Chapter 13

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|Davina's POV|
"So this is your room." Kol says as we enter into one the of upstairs room. It's pretty nice. It's not as big as the one back at the Mikaelson's but it's definitely bigger then my apartment room at Marcel's

"So this Lake house... Where did you find it?" I questioned him.

"This Lake house is actually Elena and Jeremy's." Kol admits.

"So Jeremy is......"

"Elena's little brother and to answer your other question. No he is not a vampire. He's human. Well I guess you can say a Vampire hunter but he doesn't do that anymore." Kol explained to me.

"Wow you guys really did went through a lot." I say to him.

"Trust me you have no idea." Kol says and I laugh. "I also bought you some clothes for you to wear." Kol says pointing to the dresser and I walk over and open one of them and see a bunch of clothes.

"Thank you Kol but you shouldn't have to spend so much money on me." I say to him.

"Don't be ridiculous darling. You will need clothes to wear instead of wearing my sisters old dresses." Kol says and I look at the clothes again. These clothes are really nice and Kol seems to know my type of brand to wear as well.

"Well thank you." I say to him again.

"Get ready soon for tonight for dinner okay." Kol tells me and nod. "I'm just going to my room to unpack just call me if you need me." Kol says and he walks out of my room as he closes it shut.

I hear my phone ring and I check the caller ID and it's Marcel. I didn't expect to hear from him so soon. I don't want to be rude and ignore him but it's not safe for me to talk to him right now.

I decided to give him a message to tell him that I am busy with the harvest and I will talk to him as soon as I can. As soon as I send it I decided to take a shower. I think with all that traveling, I need some cleansing. I grabbed some clothes from the dresser and head to the bathroom in the room.

• • • • • •
I finished my shower and fixed up my hair and pressed out any wrinkles and string thats on my outfit. I went with a pretty normal look. I picked out a light pick shirt and some light blue jean shorts and I put my hair up in a ponytail.

I walk downstairs to see if anyone is here. Hopefully Kol or maybe Freya. I already know that Jeremy left and he said he will be back soon so I am not expecting him yet.

"Hello Dear." A lady with a apron says while she stirs the pot.

"Hi, who are you and where's Kol?" I asked the lady.

She smiles and says. "Kol wanted me to tell you that he left and he will be back soon."

"What about Freya?" I questioned her.

"She's gone as well." She says and I sigh.

Great. Why do they always ditch me? I wish they could just tell me before they leave.

"Are you hungry dear? Dinner is almost ready." She asked me.

"Yes, I'm a little hungry." I admit.

"Well just sit tight dear. I'm almost done." She says and I sit at the table. I watch the lady pour the sauce into the pot as she stir it. It all smells so good and I am just dying for a bite.

"Here you go dear." The lady says as she places the plate of spaghetti on the table.

"Thank you." I say to her and I begin to eat.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

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