Chapter 5

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                                |Davina's POV|
I finally stop crying. I can feel my eyes all red and puffy from all that crying. I can't believe that the witches wants me dead. I just don't understand what I did to make them want to kill me.

A hear a knock on the door and it suddenly breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Hey uh dinner is ready if you want to eat." Kol says to me.

I sigh. "Kol I need to go back home." I tell him.


"I understand that you want to keep me safe but you don't understand. Marcel is probably worried sick about me and he has to know that I am alive." I admit to him but Kol closes his eyes at me.

"Then call him. Let him know that you are safe." He finally tells me.

"It's not that easy." I say.

"Sure it is." Kol says.

"I don't even know what to say to him." I admit.

"Tell him that you are safe and that everything is fine." Kol suggested but I sigh. "Davina I promise you that I will protect you and I mean it. Just please let me." Kol begs and I can see in his eyes that he really means it.

"Okay I'll call him." I finally says and I see a hint of relief hits Kol's face when I said that.

Kol comes up to me and hands me my phone so I can make the call to Marcel and then he begins to walk away.

"Kol." I stop him and he turns around. "Can you stay with me?" I asked him softly and he nods and takes a seat on my bed.

I take a deep breathe and dial Marcel's number. I await for in answer and just in 3 rings, he answers.

"Hey D, what's up?" He asked.

"Hey Marcel." I say trying to sound more enthusiastic.

"How's the harvest going? I haven't heard from you in a few hours." He says.

"Yeah I know I am just very busy here but everything is fine." I say to him.

"That good. Are you having fun?" He asked.

"Yeah everything is.... perfect." I lie and I can feel tears trying to come out of my eyes but I try to stay strong.

"That's great to hear." He says.

"Well I have to go okay Marcel." I say to him.

"Alright D, I'll talk to you soon." He says and I nod even though he can't see me.

"Okay bye." I say and as I end the call a tear drop falls from my face.

"Are you okay?" Kol suddenly asked and I turn to him.

"Yeah." I wipe my tears. "I'm just hungry." I say to him.

Kol reaches out his hand and I take it, trying to smile. Kol and I walk out of the room together to go eat dinner.

• • • • •
After dinner with Kol's family, I feel more energetic and I don't have that headache pain anymore. I definitely felt a change after the harvest. I feel more heavier and I feel like I have a lot of power now. I come to realize when the harvest girls died all their power came to me.

I hear another knock on my door again and I instantly get the idea that it's Kol again but when it opens it's actually Elijah, the guy in the suite.

"Sorry to bother you Davina but I was wondering that we can talk for a bit." He says and I don't know exactly what he wants to say but I guess I can talk for a bit.

"Sure." I agree and Elijah closes the door behind him.

"I hope you are aware of the danger that is headed towards you." Elijah says and it sounds almost like a question but I nod. "Well I just want you to know that if they find you I don't know if my family can protect you. Me and my family recently made peace to the witches here and if we keep you, they will think that we are plotting against you." Elijah explains and what he saying does make sense.

"I don't understand, Kol said he will protect me. If the witches catch me, they will kill me." I inform him but he sighs.

"I know but I fear that we simply may not have the power to protect you for much longer." He admits.

"So that's it then. You guys are going to throw me out because I'm the one that will destroy your peace?I thought this was a family of promise and loyalty but obviously that was a lie to." I say to him feeling disconcerted.

"Please try to understand Davina." Elijah says and the more he talks the more I feel upset. It feels as if I can't control my own emotions. I start to feel my power emerges from me.

As my emotions spring wild. The lights in the room begin to flicker expeditiously and the candles in the room has all of a sudden lit up. Things around the room has start to floated including myself and Elijah. I have lost control of my myself and my power and I fear that I can not control it.

"Davina!" I hear Elijah shout but I ignore. I'm too upset with him.

"Davina! Stop!" I hear a familiar British voice says but I still can't comprehend who it is. It's too much commotion. "Davina please!" I hear the voice again and I look down to see Kol reaching for my hand. His voice alone makes me calm down and I start to feel my power go down.

Suddenly the lights, the candles, and Elijah and I slowly fall down. I feel Kol's arm wrapped around me as I slowly faint into his arms as everything goes black.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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