Chapter 19: Prince Sohma

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I pulled the piece of paper off of one of the bodies and read it over carefully. I stared at the bottom to see the tongue. 'Alright now to find Agni and Sohma' 'Yeah but careful of Sohma he flirts with you somebody might get jealous.' Rose snickered and I just sighed. "Alright so we need to stop by a store first so let's go this way." I said pulling them towards where the indians were and I looked over in the direction of Agni and Sohma as the Indians attacked us. Sebastian and I defended Ceil. I watched Sohma walk closer to me and look me over. "May I help you sir?" I asked after all of the people layed on the ground. "Yes Miss you are quiet beautiful maybe we could hang out sometime?" He asked and I let out a small laugh. "Sorry I already have an owner." I said still giggling a bit. He stared at me confused and I tilted my head slightly in Sebastian's direction. "Sorry I also must serve my one and only master." I said patting Ceil on the head and he seemed to be pissed but I ignored it. "Now if you do excuse us it is the young master's bed time."  I said before turning around and going back towards the carriage. We got in it and rode back to the house. I slightly dozed off in the carriage but tried to stay awake. 'Don't show weakness or we will have to assist you with that butler' Kaitlyn said a small smile gracing her face. I stared out the window and waited for us to get back to the manor. When we pulled in I got out and helped Ceil out and Sebastian smiled at me. "Young master would you like me to prepare you for bed?" I asked giving a small curtsy. "Yes Angel, Sebastian get the other servants to bed and you and Angel may retire when that is finished." Ceil said. I walked him to his room and put him in his night shirt for bed. "Angel please sing for me." Ceil said seeming more like a child. "Of course my lord." I said before starting to sing. "Hush child the darkness will rise from the deep and carry you down into sleep child. The darkness will rise fron the deep and carry you down into sleep. Guidless son I will shape your belief and you'll always know that your fathers a thief and you won't understand the cause of grief. But you'll always follow the voices beneath. Loyalty loyalty loyalty only to me. Guidless son your spirit will hate her the flower who married my brother the trader." I sang but stopped when I noticed Ceil had fallen asleep. I smiled and walked out the door to bump into somebody and looked up to stare into Devin's eyes. "We made a deal Devin what are you doing back or did you will end up like those two angels." I scoffed. "Am I not aloud to hear your lovely singing?" He asked and I growled. "No now leave go back home I'm busy." "With what?" Devin asked smirking. "My job dipshit." I said my voice becoming more threatening. "Fine whatever." He said before vanishing. I let out a sigh and walked into Sebastian and I's room. I sat on the bed but my head started to pound. "Angel what would you think of having more power to protect them your loved ones helping before the ones you care about die again?" The same male voice from the other day said. "Yeah." I mumbled. "I am Lucifer also none as Satan or the God of Hell.  Will you be my daughter?" He questioned. "Of course sir." I said and he seemed to smile. "Excellent now just drink this." He said slitting his wrist. I lapped up the red liquid on his wrist and my throat started to burn. "You will be fine just get used to it. I have to go before Sebastian comes in here." Lucifer said before leaving. I gripped my throat slightly trying to get rid of the burning feeling. 'Just breath Angel and you will be fine accept the burning of those souls in hell' Cassie said a slightly evil edge to her voice. I breathed slowly and smiled as my eyes quickly flashed a blood red then went back to neon blue. "Angel you in here?" Sebastian questioned knocking on the door lightly. "Yeah Sebby I'm here." I said opening the door and hugging the demon. I was hiding my new found powers. "I thought I sensed another demon here?" He questioned. "Nope Sebby are you alright?" I asked. He smiled at me and shook his head. "No I'm fine." He said and I smiled. "So let's go to bed I will wake you up in the morning." I said grabbing a nightgown and walked into the bathroom quickly changing. I walked back out Sebastian was already curled up sleeping. I smiled slightly and grabbed a jacket before walking out to the garden. "Lucifer wanted me as his kin why?" I asked myself working on the garden so Finny wouldn't have to. "Prince Sohma will be here tomorrow." I mumbled looking around. I made sure that nobody else was around and I did a small twirl and smiled as I picked a black rose. I looked around and felt a small lick on my hand. Dismissing it as a cat I lightly pet it but looked down to see what looked like a strange monster. It had grey wings it was small it had grey eyes and its body looked slightly human. My hand shot a concentrated power at the creature and it shattered. I stared at it confused then shrugged.

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