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Zoya and the others of the boy's band went to the Taj Hotel, where the selection of the most famous band contest, that is, 'The International Band' was held. In the back stage suddenly Zoya noticed Haya. Haya was shocked to see Zoya and vice versa.
Haya:"Hey you fool, what the hell r u doing here?!"
Zoya:"Why r u talking to me like that?!!! What have I done to you 😒?!!!"
Haya:"Nothing, still I felt this big competitions r for good bands, this is not a place for fools like u..."

At the mean time, suddenly Abeer came on spot, in order to call Zoya, because their turn to perform was coming soon. Abeer heard the last sentence spoken by Haya and Zoya was speechlessly standing there without protesting anything. Abeer interfered:"Arey Zoya, Dogs used to bark, so if u tell them to stop also, they won't listen to u, so better u don't pay any heed to them, rather focus on our performance."
Haya:"What did u said right now🤨?!!!!!"
Abeer:"Oh sorry, I forgot, u r a feminine in gender, so it won't be dog, I should have called it as a bitch🙄"
Haya:"How dare u to call me like that?!!!!"
Zoya started weeping and then said,"I don't know why Haya is misbehaving with me? I didn't said her anything or did anything bad to her."
Abeer hugged Zoya in order to support her and wiped away her tears and said,"Zo, don't cry, u know what, devils r jealous of angels bcoz devils r insecured about their looks and qualities and they new very well that they can't adopt or snatch it from angels at any cost 🌝, so don't dare to shed your tears for such devils, it doesn't suits you..."

At this Haya felt insulted and left the place in anger.

Zoya felt the warmth of his hug and the weight of his words❣️❣️
Abeer:"Today is a very auspicious day for us Zo, so don't waste your tears like this and moreover, it's a day of giving answers to a lots of people. You will face your past as well as our opponent today, I can well understand by seeing Haya, because as per I remember, she's the girl, whom Asad is dating."

Zoya nodded her head in positive response and said,"I'll definitely give them the answer and it's only possible if you all supports me like this."
Abeer:"We r always there for that, after all u r also our team member comes family member now so don't hesitate and feel free."

Then, Zoya returned back to her senses and then moved apart from Abeer.

Zoya's POV:
OMG, Abeer Malhotra hugged me. He said he'll support me everytime. Like seriously he did this for the second time as well and that also only and only for me 😍 oh no, again I started day dreaming 🤦🏻‍♀️, ZOYA CONTROL ZOYA CONTROL!!!!!!!

Then, Zoya and Abeer went to the stage together, where other members of their band were placing the musical instruments.

Zoya's get up for the Selection

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Zoya's get up for the Selection.

Abeer's get up for the Selection

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Abeer's get up for the Selection.

To be continued...

Writer's POV:
Who will get selected in the competition?
Is there only friendship growing between Abeer and Zoya or some different feelings are also occuring between them?

To get all this answers, please keep reading the next part 😁

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