16: I Can't Play Guitar Hero

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Due to the insane amount of cars parked on the street Shana and I finally turn onto after being led into countless dead ends by her GPS, which turned out to be not as useful as I thought, we pull into a carpark for a public park at the end of the street and climb out of the car.

"How many people do you think are here?" I say, my eyes travelling down the long line of cars until I can't see the end.

Shana pauses for a second and grins before replying, "Enough for a good night."

I follow my best friend up the street and listen as the loud thumping music grows louder the closer we get. Connor has an enourmous house, just as I expected. The whole house is painted a blue grey colour with a white porch bigger than my backyard at the front which is filled with drunken teenagers making out and throwing up, two things which I hope to avoid tonight. As we make our way to the open front door, stepping over empty cups and other trash, I observe the several hedges carved into perfect shapes and the shiny plant pots at the front of the porch, one which is being used as a vomit bucket by a girl who was in my english class last year. I cringe and look away. Why do people with nice things throw parties like this?

I'm pulled from my thoughts and into the house as Shana takes my hand to lead me through the crowd and into the large open kitchen where we put our cooler bag down and she hands me a drink.

"Cool, right?" Shana yells over the music, looking around the room at the countless teenagers grinding on eachother under the crystal chandelier and making out in the perfectly polished hallways.

"Cool," I mumble, my eyes wandering around the room before I'm pulled down the hallway by Shana and into another slightly smaller living room where crowd of teenagers are yelling and cheering at a game of guitar hero which is being projected onto the wall.

I follow Shana to a white couch at the side of the room and sit down, resting my legs on her lap. She giggles and leans into me as the song ends and a loud roar erupts from the crowd as they search for new players. A tall boy struts to the front of the crowd and begins to yell out names, assigning people to their instruments.

"BEN, BASS!" He yells as his eyes search the crowd and I watch as the short but bulky dark haired boy makes his way through the crowd and picks up one of the plastic guitars. The crowd continues to yell out names and I watch as teenage boys jump up and down in excitement as they nominate their friends to sing vocals and fight for the role of lead guitar.

"MIKE, YOU'RE ON THE MIC!" Half the crowd laugh loudly at his play on words while the other half are too drunk to notice. Mike rolls his eyes and wanders through the crowd, flipping his curly hair as he picks up the microphone and swings it in a circular motion as his friends laugh from the crowd. I take a large gulp of my drink. This is going to be interesting to watch.

"LANDON, DRUMS MAN!" A cheer erupts from the crowd as Landon makes his way to the front of the room and I almost choke on my drink when Shana immediately pulls my hand up into the air, nominating me for lead guitar.

"I can't play guitar hero!" I whine at my best friend, pulling my hand from hers.

"If you don't play, I'm going to play," she attempts to threaten me and I sink back into the chair, letting her go. She grins at me and stands up swiftly, dusting her skirt off and begginning to strut over when she's stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, I think she wants to play guitar," Landon points directly at me, yelling over the crowd at the tall boy who turns around to look at me. Shit. I feel his eyes trail down my body and I want to turn and run for the door. Would they notice? Yes.

"YOU! GUITAR!" He almost screams and the drunken crowd cheers, obviously not seeing who was just chosen.

Shana turns around and walks back to me just as swiftly as she stood as if this is exactly what she expected. She winks at me and grins once more before sinking into the couch beside me and pushing me from my place. What is happening right now? I turn back and frown at my best friend before sighing and walking over to the plastic guitar, unsure of exactly how it works, but sure that everyone is surely too drunk to notice if I mess up. In fact, I might be the most sober person here, which might be an advantage right now.

I loop the strap of the guitar over my head and stand uncomfortably between Landon and Mike, preparing for the embarrassment that is to come, as Shana laughs at me from her place on the couch and I shake my head at her. God, I wish I wasn't sober right now.

"Relax," Landon mumbles at me without looking in my direction as he twirls a drumstick around in his hand.

He half smiles at my awkward stance when I look over to him and his ocean blue eyes flicker to mine momentarily before returning to the projected image of the menu screen on the wall in front of us.

I try to relax slightly before the tall boy who called me forward picks up a controller to start the game. He chooses All the Small Things by Blink-182, and everyone chooses their difficulty. Mike goes with easy, obviously not too serious about his singing, so does Ben. Landon chooses hard, earning a loud "oooh" from the crowd which makes me roll my eyes. Putting the drummer on drums has to be unfair. I contemplate choosing beginner but then decide on easy, the much less embarrassing option.

The game begins and Ben starts to yell words into the microphone for fun before the song even starts playing as Landon improvises a beat on the plastic drum kit, clearly showing off. The song then begins abruptly and I miss the first few notes before eventually starting to hit them. As the song goes on, I get progressively better until I start to hit almost every note. The rythm turns out to be very simple and I almost wish I'd chosen medium for more of a challenge.

I glance over at Landon beside me who is hitting the shit out of the drumkit and moving at a crazy speed but still hitting most of the beats. Mike is wailing into the microphone as his friends laugh and cheer him on while Ben looks extremely bored on the bass which looks even more simple than the guitar.

The song comes to an end and Mike yells the last words into the microphone as everyone else finishes up. Ben swings the guitar over his shoulder after playing the last note and I hold in a giggle as Landon twirls his drumsticks around again. I simply place the guitar back to the ground and walk back over to an applauding Shana as the scores are announced.

Ben: 78%

Mike: 61%

Landon: 94%

Skye: 95%


I feel my eyes widen as almost every eye in the room is on me and a cheer erupts from the crowd of drunken teenagers. I watch as Shana bursts into laugher, Ben shrugs it off, Mike and his friends start yelling and Landon stares directly at me. Is he angry?

"NEW GIRL BEAT LANDON!" the tall boy, who's name I still don't know, announces loudly.

"It's Skye," I mumble as he grabs my wrist and pulls me in front of the crowd, raising my hand in the air as everyone cheers. Is it really that big of a deal?

He drops my hand finally and I stride back over to Shana as new players are chosen from the crowd.

"Congratulations," she teases, clearly struggling to hold in her laughter.

"I need a drink," I exhale and walk back to the kitchen, Shana following closely behind me.


Comment and vote guys! P.S. Blink-182 slays on Guitar Hero ;)

fancyauthor xxx

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