51: I Just Can't Smile

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"I think you'll all be excited about our warm up game for today," Ms Leeroy announces as she struts into the drama classroom. "An all time favorite, of course. I Just Can't Smile."

The whole class erupts into excited mumbles and I notice a few high fives exchanged. This is one of my favorite games, too. It's always a laugh. There's one person in the middle of the circle at all times who has to proclaim their love for another person on the outside of the circle in the most ridiculous way possible, and the aim is to not smile or laugh when responding.

"I love this game," Dani giggles, grabbing my arm excitedly.

"First of all, any volunteers to start us off?" Ms Leeroy asks, and the class falls silent.

The classroom door swings open and I watch as an exhausted looking Landon walks casually into the class wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans, his hair messier than usual. My eyes drop to the ground before he looks back at me.

"Mr Reed, how nice of you to join us. Looks like we have our volunteer," Ms Leeroy announces with a satisfied smile.

"What are we doing?" Landon asks, his voice husky as he makes his way to the middle of the circle.

"The warm up game is I Just Can't Smile. Show us how it's done," Mrs Leeroy insists as she walks over to her desk and takes a seat.

"Right," Landon clears his throat as he glances around the circle lazily. "Uh, tell me you love me."

He mumbles the words to a curly haired girl who says plainly in response, "I love you, but I just can't smile."

Landon fakes disappointment before turning to Ben, a tall blonde boy with the best poker face I've ever seen. "Tell me you love me."

"I love you, but I just can't smile," Ben announces without dropping his deadpan face, earning a few giggles from around the circle.

There's a silence as Landon carefully chooses his next victim. He paces around the circle slowly as we all watch him impatiently for a decision. I know what's going to happen before it does. I feel my heart sink in my chest as he turns to me and his eyes seem to narrow in on my lips for a moment, taking a few steps towards me before glancing up from the ground to stare into my eyes. No way.

"Tell me you love me," his deep voice whispers and I feel a sharp pain in my chest at the words.

I feel all the eyes in the room burning into me and my cheeks begin to heat up. I can't believe he would do this to me. Right here. During a fucking warm up game in drama class. He knows this means more than that to me. He knows this is no longer a game. He has to know that. Is he mocking me? For what I said to him a couple of days ago? Of course he is. I begin to feel the tension of the silence growing and I know I have to say something. I look up into Landon's tired blue eyes and for once, I no longer see their beauty. All I see is the redness creeping from their edges and the tired bags beneath them. They look hollow to me. They no longer hold the ocean, or the sky. They hold nothing. At least, nothing I want anymore.

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