66: Stalker Status

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: As a huge thank you for helping me to hit 5k reads on this story, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to one of my first ever readers, LeighAnnaC. She was one of the first ever to vote and comment on my story and I have noticed her constant support since the beginning. Your support means the world to me, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy this chapter :)

When the clock finally hits 4, Mr Crawley comes back to dismiss us and Chase and I quickly get up to leave. Detention went surprisingly fast with his company, and I find myself feeling quite grateful for that. I swing my bag over my shoulder as Chase picks up his letterman jacket and puts it on. Letterman jacket? Oh, shit.

"Thanks for making the past hour a lot more bearable." He smiles at me as I continue to glare at his jacket. "Can I give you a ride home or something?"

"Oh, no. I'm fine, thank you." I turn around and walk out of the classroom, not bothering to check if he's following.

How did I not know this guy was a jock? I mean, I don't really pay close attention to Douglas High's latest sports stars, but I think I would recognise any friends of Tyler's. He's just another stupid football player. I wouldn't be surprised if he's working with Tyler. They probably have a club where they just plot to ruin my life. At this point, the existence of a hate club wouldn't come as much of a shock.

"Is everything okay?" I gasp when I notice Chase is right beside me. This boy is fast, I should've known.

"Yep. Just..." I notice a familiar black Jeep parked out front and let out a sigh of relief as I continue to speed walk down the hallway. "I have someone waiting for me."

"Oh." I notice Chase's walking slow down and he falls behind slightly as I continue to rush. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"

I ignore his question and continue walking. Landon is here. He must have waited here for me for the entire hour I spent in detention. I feel my smile grow as I walk towards the entrance of the school, surprisingly happy to see him, and burst through the doors. I suddenly feel my mood shift when I see who he's talking to.

Landon stands with a group of jocks in the parking lot, their obnoxious voices echoing against the deserted school's walls as they all try to speak over each other. I immediately turn and walk in the opposite direction, slipping around a corner and pressing my back to the brick wall where they can't see me. And thank god for that. I must look ridiculous. Why would I think he was waiting for me? Why would he wait for me?

...But why else would he still be here?

I stand still for a few moments before curiosity takes over me and I find myself peeking around the corner. I notice Landon, who really stands out in his black jacket against all the purple, leaning against a familiar midnight blue truck. Tyler is here. I couldn't name the other three identical muscle heads, but I definitely recognise them all from Tyler's lunch table. They're clearly having a serious conversation, but the interaction looks completely non-confrontational. I would assume they were gearing up for a real fight after I interrupted them today, but they almost look... friendly. I dart back behind the wall when I hear the school doors burst open again and the conversation falls silent.

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