6: Fashionably Late ✔︎

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"How do you find anything in here?" I ask, looking around Shana's messy closet, which is almost as big as my entire bedroom.

Shana laughs when I stumble on a pile of clothes left near the doorway.

"To you, this may look messy, but everything is in its rightful place. It's a very complex organisational system, trust me." She giggles and begins to pull clothes from the hangers in her search for the perfect outfit.

"Shana, I can't see the floor." I pick up a tank top from under my foot and fold it in half, placing it on one of the dressers.

"I like it that way. It's just natural clutter." Shana smiles, looking around the room proudly.

"Natural clutter? Sure. Okay." I frown in confusion, collecting a few stray hangers and placing them in a basket. "But wouldn't it be easier to find things if it was more... tidy?"

"Skye, you've seen the rest of this house. This whole house is tidy. Well, I don't want tidy." She stops her search and turns to look at me, suddenly serious. "This is my favourite room in the whole house. You know why?"

"It's the biggest?" I frown, looking around the huge room.

"I'm serious. I love this room because it's messy. It's lived in. You know what? Life is mess. Life is not tidy." Shana sighs, running a hand through her perfectly styled hair. "Sometimes I hate this damn display home. It's never felt like a home."

"It fits nicely with your display dad and his display girlfriend, though, right?" I attempt to lighten the mood and Shana gives me a small smile. "Hey, no, you're right. I see what you mean now. Natural clutter. Of course."

I look around the room, nodding my head, and Shana stares at me for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"I really really love you, Skye." She speaks in a baby voice, mimicking the way we would say it to each other as kids, and plants a kiss on my cheek before returning her search for our outfits.

"I really really love you, Shana." I giggle back at her as she moves quickly around the room.

Just watching Shana's search is exhausting. I take a seat on the floor, impressed by her energy as she tosses items of clothing to the ground around me. Judging by her speed, nothing seems remotely suitable. Eventually, her pace slows and she begins to pick up a few items, collecting a small pile in her arms before dropping them in my lap.

"Try those on," she instructs, before waltzing away to hunt further.

"O... Okay." I hesitate, purely due to confusion, before walking to the bathroom to try on the few items of clothing.

Before even reaching the bathroom, I get a better look at what Shana gave me and immediately spin back around. I hold up the tight black tops, red skirt and gold sequin mini dress in horror and Shana just gives me a smile of encouragement.

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