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Mr bell and Jordan returned home with the pizzas pretty promptly, thank god as I was starving

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Mr bell and Jordan returned home with the pizzas pretty promptly, thank god as I was starving.

I grabbed mine from Mr bell and sat at the table next to Beth and Cory, and started eating it.

It was proper dominoes pizza, and was so much nicer than the pizzas we used to have with dad, which were either frozen pizzas or ones from the shit pizza shop in the estate.

I devoured mine faster than even Cory, as they all stated at me, in pretty much shock. "Are you good" Cory questioned bluntly, as Beth laughed along with it.

Mr bell and Mrs Carter both made conversation with Cory and Beth as we ate, mainly talking about this new rugby team, Steve had made or the school play idea, Beth seemed to be obsessed with.

"I need to make a year9 football team, don't I Georgia" mr bell asked directing the question straight at me. "Yeh" i agreed. "Your a good little player" Beth told me, smiling comfortingly at me, as she always acted like my mum.

"Well I follow in both yours footprints" I joked, looking between my twin siblings. They shook there heads whilst chuckling, and finished there pizzas.

• • •

Later that night, we all were sitting spread out on the two sofas, along with mr bell and Mrs Carter. We were watching a random movie called venom, which was obviously corys choice, as he always managed to get his own way over everyone.

"Can we watch summat else now, this is shit" Beth complained, trying to take the remote control away from Cory.

"Nah nah, look this is the good bit" Cory promised, his eyes glued to the screen, as he kept moving his arm away from Beth.

"You said that like 10 minutes ago, and not one good bit has come on" she argued. "Shhh" Jordan snapped hastily, his eyes glued to the screen in exactly the same way as Cory.

"I'm gonna go up to bed, Night sir, night miss" Beth said, standing up. I said the same and went with her, so I wasn't stuck with the boring film alone.

"Look how nice the room is" I announced to Beth as we walked in, jumping onto the large bed. "Wow it's proper nice" she agreed, looking at the furniture and paintings which decorated it.

"Are you worried about dad?" I asked, after a long moment of silence which passed between us. "A bit... are you?" She asked, sitting on the bed and pulling me onto her lap, like she always does.

"What if he does summat stupid" I muttered anxiously to my older sister. "He won't... he'll be ok. Remember he's getting help, so he'll be nicer to all of us. And we won't have to worry about him hurting the boys" she informed me quietly, cuddling me tightly.

I cuddled her back and felt safe. Beth was always there for me, the most out of all my siblings. The boys deep down obviously cared but they didn't show it as much as Beth did.

• • •

The next morning, I woke up too Beths alarm going of on her phone. "Turn it of" i moaned, annoyed at how early it was.

"Come up, you gotta get up, we've got school" she informed me, dragging herself out of bed. She left for the bathroom, as I heard the shower turn on from along the corridor.

I stayed in bed, trying to get a tiny bit more sleep, before Beth came back in from the shower and yelled at me to get ready.

I reluctantly did and now had to wait as one of the boys had now stolen the shower before I could.

After a huge rush of getting ready, we made it into school on time, and i walked with Beth as we saw missy and Hayley sitting in the quad.

"Ello!!" Missy yelled, running over and hugging us both. Although she sees us pretty much every day she always greets us like it's been years.

I smiled at the taller blonde girl, as she danced around telling us her most recent gossip. I went and sat with Hayley after a while, as she slagged of Chloe to me.

I nodded along to her rant, finding it funny how much her and raz both seemed to hate her. I got a few funny stares from people in my year, who walked past and saw me sitting with a Yr11, although I had always been friends with people who were older than me.

The day was pretty normal, apart from Lucy and Katie constantly quizzing me on what our teachers house was like, and what had happened when we were there, as if it was the most exciting thing in the world.

I didn't tell them much, as I just wanted to change the subject, instead of people hearing them interrogate me with all the questions and find out that I was living with the headteacher and her husband.

It was mainly just embarrassing as i would obviously have to explain about stuff with my dad, and I would never do that, as I never had before, and just wouldn't be able too.

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