𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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I followed Hassan through the canteen door, and marched our way through the crowds of people, some waiting in line, some just standing in our way with there mates

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I followed Hassan through the canteen door, and marched our way through the crowds of people, some waiting in line, some just standing in our way with there mates.

We went over to a empty table and sat down together, we were both very close and cuddly, way more than normal.

"Where are the rest of them" I asked, scouting around the room, and looked back at Hassan. "Don't worry bout it, it's better just us" he told me, smiling a little. "Yeah... it is" I agreed, smiling back at him, before cutting our eye connection shyly.

He took hold of my hand gently, and gave it a little squeeze. We both shared a packet of crisps I brought out from my bag, and chatted together, shutting out the rest of the school from our minds

However we were quickly drawn back, when Hassans attention was on his sister,  strolling towards our table.

"Hassan what have I told you about sitting with, her" she harshly snapped at him. "Your such a bitch Alya" he muttered from beside me.

"I'm a bitch?" She half laughed, with spite. "Your the one who seems to have a crush on a bloody Wilson!" She spat.

"Well at least my dad wasn't having an affair with the head teacher" I calmly informed her, as her jaw dropped. "See" Alya spoke to her brother meanly, before storming away to her group of friends.

I turned around and looked at Hassan, who was rubbing the back of his head, appearing pretty stressed. "I'm sorry" he eventually spoke, glancing at me.

"It's alright, it ain't your fault. I'm sorry too.... bout saying that...your dad, you know" I half stuttered with what I was saying, not wanting to repeat the situation, which I knew Hassan was still annoyed with Sadiq about.

"It's fine. Do you wanna go out to quad?" He asked, as I nodded and slung my bag over my shoulder. We both stood up and walked out of the canteen, walking past cory and rizs table.

I noticed Cory giving me a little glare whilst shaking his head, but ignored it, as we continued walking out to the school yard.

It was pretty full, with loads of lads running around playing football, and the rest of the students all standing in grounds, talking, laughing, and whatever else they do.

"George, Hassan!" We heard a shout, and noticed our group of friends waving over at us, from a picnic table.

We walked over and went and sat down with them. "Alright guys" amir stated, as we both nodded in agreement with each other.

"Right so we're all meeting later on, Amir reckons hes getting us drugs, I doubt it" Katie explained to both of us. "Amir ain't you religious" I asked, as i was pretty sure it was against both his and Hassans religions rules.

He just shrugged and laughed, along with Hassan who started sniggering at his friend. "Georgia bring us some cider or summat" Katie told me, she knew I was the one who could always get us drinks, mainly cos the corner shop worker would always let me buy it, although he was fully aware I was underage.

"Alright" I agreed, and smiled back at Katie who was giving me a big grin. "So are you two a thing?" She questioned, looking between both me and Hassan.

"Uh no, well, I mean, are we?" I started, glancing back at Hassan unsure of what we actually were. "Um, yeahh, i would say we were? Aren't we?" He smiled, deciding on what to say as he went along.

"Yeah. Yeah, we are" I agreed, smiling, before looking back at Katie. "How cute, make sure you use condoms though" Katie advised.

"They weren't planning on shagging Kate!" Amir stated, making everyone laugh. Everyone continued talking, however I didn't pay much attention to what they were saying, as I could only think about how me and Hassan were finally a couple.

• • •

As the bell rang for the end of the day, Hassan and I both walked out together, all through the busy corridors and through reception. "Hassan hold on" a voice called out, as the boy stopped and looked around, I stood with him, until we both say sadiq leave from Mrs Carter's office.

I watched as Hassan was about to continue walking, however decided against it and actually turned back round to look at his dad from a few metres away.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he murmured to me, pulling me in for a small hug, and walking over to his dad. I walked out of school alone, and walked towards the school gates, before feeling a hand on my shoulder. I turned round to see what freak was doing it, but it turned out it was only cory.

"I need to talk to you" he said, as I looked at him with complete uncare and confusion. "Look you and Hassan- " he started, however I quickly cut him off. " Has got nothing to do with you?"

"Just hear me out, I know you two are like a thing or whatever, but you should just cut it off, he ain't right for you, plus Alya hates you, she hates the whole family" he explained to me, as I rolled my eyes and started walking faster.

"You don't like me with anyone cory. Anyway let's be honest, your just jealous I can get with a Nawaz considering how hard you've tried to get with Alya, and she's still disgusted by you" I announced smugly.

"Seriously, it's got nowt to do with me, he just ain't right for you. Jordan agrees" Cory told me. "Well I'm glad you and Jordan have both been discussing with such care, about me and my boyfriend. When I think it's a bit rich coming from you two don't you think?"

"What's that supposed to mean" Cory asked bitterly, catching up with me, as I kept walking faster and faster to get away from him.

"Think about it, you've literally slept with nearly every girl and lady in Ackley cos your a man slag, and Jordan stole a car to try and run away with Chloe, who's a bitch" I said, stopping walking, and saying it straight to him.

He stopped and listened, before I continued walking, and I didn't actually hear him try and follow me. Must of hurt for him to hear the truth.

• • •
Sorry this update isn't the best, just had to get one done, as I have been busy with school. Next update will be soon! X

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