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After school I waited by the quad for Beth and Cory to walk home with me

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After school I waited by the quad for Beth and Cory to walk home with me. I spotted Mrs Carter by reception, looking at me before walking over to where I was standing.

"I am right to believe your a wilson sibling?" She asked nicely, smiling at me as she said it. "Yes why?" I answered. "Do you know where your Jordan could have got too? He was late in, and walked out of an assembly talk, no ones seen him since?" She wondered.

"No sorry, I don't have a clue" I told her. "Ok, thank you" she nodded, giving me a smile and walking away again.

Beth and Cory walked out, in seperate groups. Cory was doing his usual jumping around, play fighting with his mates, as they left.

"Alright sis" he called over, giving me a smile. I nodded and walked over to him and his mates. "You look like beth" A Pakistani boy told me. I knew the rest of them as they had been corys friends for years.

"Obviously" I stated back. "Oohh, made you look a mug Riz" Cory laughed, shoving me playfully.

Cory finally left his friends and we walked back, Beth trailed way behind with nas and missy.

"Got isolation today" Cory told me. "What for" I asked. "Being out of lesson pretty much"
"Well that's smart" I said to him, sarcastically, making him smile and shake his head.

We got to the house and knocked on the door. Our dad came and opened it for us, and stood out of the way so we could get in.

"Alright you lot?" He asked, not actually drunk today. "Yeah you" Cory answered for us. "Not bad, bit of a hangover" he told him. Cory just nodded and walked into the kitchen.

"What do youse want for dinner by the way?" Our dad asked, leaning on the kitchen counter. "Pizza" i said excitedly. Beth and Cory both nodded along with it, and our dad nodded too.

"Alright good, I've got 'em in the freezer already" he said, whilst Cory and Beth fished for biscuits out of the cupboard.

"Want one Georgia?" Beth asked. "Yeah sure" I told her, and took one that she offered.

• • •

It was already 8:00pm, when we sat down in the living room, watching tv whilst eating our dinner. None of us had heard from Jordan, but we tried to keep our dads mind of it, so he wouldn't get annoyed.

The door opened quietly, and then shut, as there were light footsteps heading up the stairs.
"Jordan get down here" our dad called out.

I heard the footsteps trail back, and I took hold of beths hand, as I sat on the floor infront of her and Cory.

He walked in and looked at our dad. "Where have you been, oh and tell me why you were bunking this morning?" Our dad asked him, as jordan stood and bite his nails.

"Uh my bike broke so I had to fix it and it made me a bit late" jordan answered, which I could tell was a 100% lie but he didn't have to know that.

"Right, well there's pizza out in the kitchen, and stop coming home so late on a school night" our dad told him and unpaused the tv. Jordan nodded and walked out the room. I could tell he wasn't alright, his eyes just looked sad.

I got up and went into the kitchen, following jordan who was sat on the kitchen counter. "Alright Georgie" he asked me. Im pretty sure the boy has forgot what my actual name is by now, as he's always called me Georgie. "Yeah but are you" I asked him back. He just nodded and picked up a slice of pizza.

"Did you really bring Jamie to school" i questioned, awkwardly waiting for a response from my older brother. "None of your business, focus on your sats of whatever you do" he snapped at me, jumping down from the counter, whilst smiling slightly at his own joke.

I followed him out into the living room. "Well at least im not in yr11 and people think I look like a yr7" i told him, rolling my eyes. "What"

"Heard people in your class saying it" i added, before jumping onto the sofa next to our dad.

• • •

The next morning, I sat in class next to Hassan. "I really don't want to do PE!" I moaned, knowing we had it next period.

"Go and tell reception you feel ill" Hassan informed me, and I smiled knowing that that could work perfectly, to get out of it.

I put my hand up and the teacher excused me after I said I would be sick any minute. I wandered down to reception, to see a shit storm.

My dad, mr bell, Mrs Carter, Jordan all standing together, with Lorraine peeping into the conversation.

"Dumb kids fallen for a pack of lies" I heard my dad argue.
"It is my baby" jordan defended.
"Who says? Candice? Did she tell you that?" My dad mocked, laughing a little.
"Yeah it's true!" The boy defended again.

Our dad scoffed. "Lad ain't even got pubes!" Before mr bell quickly stopped him. They noticed me standing in the corner, and Mr bell sent Jordan over to me.

"I'm gonna be killed" jordan muttered to me, as he came and stood next to me. "What've you done?" I asked, confused.

"Cos of the baby and leaving school"

"Ah fuck" I replied.

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