Georgia Wilson is the youngest wilson, who is starting yr9 in Ackley Bridge College, the newly merged school.
She has always been the baby, and protected by her older twin siblings, Cory and Beth. But as there becomes more drama in school and at ho...
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The door slammed open, as my siblings and I all sat up straight on the sofa, worriedly waiting to see what was happening with both our dad and Jordan.
"A criminal record at 15!" we heard our dad shout from the hallway. "It's only a caution, it don't mean owt!" Jordan defended.
"You shouldn't of gone and stolen your teachers car! The school already thinks I'm a shit parent, how's this gonna make me look jordan?! I try really fucking hard, and you pull shit like this? Cory never did stuff like this"
I did agree with my dad with the fact he tries hard, because he does, but it never seems to be enough. Mainly cos it's his temper which is the problem, that's why Jordan behaves in such a irrational way, cos he's used to our dads irrational temper.
Jordan walked into the living room, and slumped down on the sofa beside Cory, putting his head in his hand, as I gave him a comforting look, not that it seemed to help him much.
"What was your plan?! Oi kid I'm talking to you!" Our dad followed jordan into the room and stood infront of him, as we all watched, scared for our brother and ourselves.
I took hold of beths hand from where we were sitting on the floor in the corner of the room. Cory shot us a look, his eyes widening for a second before looking away again.
"I didn't have one" jordan replied, looking at the ground rather than up at our dad. "Course you didn't, cos you never do, do ya?" Our dad scoffed.
Jordan rolled his eyes slightly, making kevin angrily grabbed him from his seat and pulled him out of the room. We heard the stomps go up the stairs, as the three of us were then left again.
"Dad leave him!" Cory yelled up to him, however obviously didn't help our dads angry temper, he didn't seem to be able to control.
"Fucks sake" Cory sighed, rubbing his eyes with his hands, looking stressed about it all. "Look hes not that angry compared to normal, it'll be reet" I informed them both, not that it seemed to help them at all.
We sat pretty much in silence, unfortunately hearing thuds coming from upstairs. Cory looked at both of us, who looked extremely anxious, and then stood up. We heard his footsteps go upstairs quickly as Beth and I both looked at each other.
Cory went into his and Jordan's room, where Kevin had hold of the boys tshirt, his fist clenched in the other. Jordan already had a bleeding lip, which was way worse than usual, as he never normally got punched in the face.
"Cmon dad that's enough" Cory stated, seperating him from his grip of jordan, and firmly leading him out of the room. Kevin took another look at Jordan and instantly looked filled with regret as he went back downstairs, devastated his temper had taken control of himself again.
"Jordan let's have a look" Cory muttered, grabbing his brother to take a look at his face, however Jordan shoved Cory of him roughly. "Get out!" The younger brother yelled, still in a state as his brother nodded and left.
"Dad come sit down. I'll get us a cuppa?" Beth stated, standing up and trying to help the situation ease.
"Please love" our dad sighed, and slumped down on the sofa. I glanced at him however as we caught eyes I instantly looked away. Angry and shocked about what he just did to his own son.
Cory soon trailed down after him, and leaned by the door of the living room, as the whole family was sitting in silence. Beth came in with 3 cups of teas on a tray, and handed one too our dad, one to Cory, and kept one for herself.
"Kids. I'm sorry. Im sorry, i don't know what came over me" our dad pleaded, looking in between all of us.
"You were getting better, dad" Beth sighed, with a sympathetic look on her face, as he nodded and took a sip of his tea. "I know. I know I was."
• • •
None of us went to school the next day, however as it was now the Christmas holiday, aswell as Hayley allowed to come home to live with missy and there mum, Missy had asked Beth if we wanted to come round for a celebratory takeaway.
Our dad actually allowed us, even jordan who was apparently grounded, however was probably because he was feeling incredibly guilty about it all.
Beth rushed us all out of the house, as she was excited to see missy, however it also meant Cory wasn't going to stop complaining about his hair not being done.
The thing that was so special with our friendship with the booths, was the fact we had known them since forever. Beth and missy both made friends in literal nursery together, and those two and Nas, had all been best friends for the rest of time, making the rest of us siblings all grow up together too.
"Does it look alright?" Cory questioned all of us. "Shut up" I joked to my older brother, as he gave me a gentle shove.
We walked straight into there house, as there door was never locked. Missy and Hayley were sitting on the sofa together, taking selfie's, until they jumped up at the sight of us.
"Beth Hii!! Look who we have home!" Missy exclaimed so loudly, running up and hugging Beth. "Hiya hayley" Beth called over to the younger sister, who was smiling widely.
"Heya Georgia, Heya boys" missy exclaimed to us, giving us each a hug, as Cory looked her up and down with a small smirk on his face at the sight of her. I gave him a big elbow to his chest, which finally took it right of his face. Missy went running over to the stairs to call her mum down for us "guests"
Simone came down stairs with a cute little smile plastered on her face, after getting all dressed up, to show that she had changed.
"Hiya loves" she announced. "Hiya Simone!" Cory called out, going over and giving her a hug, as missy and Hayley both looked disgusted at the usual antics of the boy.
"Cory love, you've grown" Simone exclaimed at Cory who was nodding in agreement, looking around trying to get us all to agree with his proud compliment.
"Beth, good to see ya, look at me nice clothes" Simone said to Beth, as she walked over and gave my older sister a big hug. "You look lovely" Beth murmured into Simones shoulder.
She then caught a glimpse of me, standing beside Cory watching him continue to fix his hair, after finding a mirror on the wall.
"Georgia, I ain't seen you in years!" Simone exclaimed excitedly, giving me a big hug too. I wasn't a very big hugger but Simone was nice so I allowed it this time.
"And of course I heard about our wee criminal" she announced to Jordan who was standing with Hayley fiddling with an ornament, however heard what she said and turned bright red, shooting Missy a look.
"What? Ah come on everyone knows" Missy defended, shrugging her shoulders, whilst Cory sniggered and watched as Missy took beths arm and going upstairs with her, to show a new dress she got or something.