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After that night, which was one of the funniest nights I've had for a while, everything had managed to completely fuck up

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After that night, which was one of the funniest nights I've had for a while, everything had managed to completely fuck up.

Jordan had gotten arrested again. Something to do with running the drugs around for people, and getting paid as he did so. However unlike before, he couldn't just get away with another caution, as that was just a stupid mistake. Drugs were serious.

He was sent down for 4 months in prison, however was told if he behaves it could be brought down to just 1 or 2.

And of course we were the talk of Ackley. Everyone knew. Most people liked to drop me a dm saying it was "expected" and "bound to happen at some point".

Lucy and Katie just messaged me to find out all the gossip about it, finding it all fun. They didn't message me out of worry or care, or to see how I was doing, now my brother was doing the rounds on everyone's Insta stories, and was locked up with nasty criminals.

Although Jordan was in young offenders prison, he wasn't nasty and he wasn't a criminal. And I couldn't stop worrying about what it was like for him in there.

• • •

We all sat down in the living room eating our dinner from the chippy. Beth and I both on the floor like usual, as Cory and dad sat slumped beside each other on the sofa.

It was Christmas Eve, and had never felt any less Christmassy than this. Our dad had been coping badly since it all happened. Even getting paranoid people are looking at him, thinking he's a bad parent and all.

Of course not people from our estate however, as for them it's more like a ritual. Most families who live in the estate, have someone who's been locked up before. It's just annoying when it's a 15yr old, and all cos of drugs.

• • •

We finished each of our boxes of chips, and kept our eyes glued to the screen, as we were watching ELF, trying to to anything to make us feel a bit happier.

Not that the dull, non decorated Christmas tree shoved in the corner of the room was helping lift the spirits much. There were a decent amount of presents shoved under considering our dad was poor, and I was a bit worried he had spent too much on these, than on the bills.

• • •

The credits of the film flashed up on the screen, and Beth turned the tv off, ready to go up to bed. "See you Kids" our dad muttered, half asleep, still on the sofa.

Cory, Beth and I all exchanged glances and settled on just leaving him there. We trod up the stairs and all started getting ready for bed.

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