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I stood with Hassan as we shivered, playing football on the school playground at lunchtime

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I stood with Hassan as we shivered, playing football on the school playground at lunchtime. I was the only girl playing, as the rest were the boys from my class.

I was passed the ball, and I sprinted around, kicking the ball infront of me, until a boy I knew was amir younis slide tackled me from behind, very roughly.

I landed hard on my back, and my head banged onto the ground extremely hard. "Georgia are you alright?" I heard Hassan calling out to me, running over.

I couldn't properly hear and my vision went all blurry, as the shouts from around me quietened, and I could just about make out a fight between 2 boys beginning.

• • •

I woke up in the comfort of soft pillows under my head and body cosied up in a duvet. As I became more woke, I realised I was back on Mandy and Steve's sofa, in the living room.

"You ok love?" Mrs Carter asked, as she noticed I was awake. I went to nod but a pain entered back into my head and I remembered what had happened.

"Be careful love, you had a very very slight concussion, I took you home and had a doctor come round, you just need to rest." She informed me softly, placing a cold compress on my head as I winced.

"You better of told amir off" I stated, closing my eyes from the bright light giving me a headache. "Don't worry. Mr bell is sorting him" she chuckled to me, as we both knew mr bell could tell people of very sternly.

Mandy sat down on the end of the sofa that I was lying on, with a cup of tea in one hand, and her phone in the other.

• • •

I must have fallen asleep again, as my eyes re-opened to my siblings walking into the room. "You took a hard hit" Cory joked, looking at me.

I wasn't in the mood and just glared at him, aswell as Beth doing the same. He raised both hands up at both of us, with his usual smirk still plastered of his face.

"Are you ok doll" Beth questioned, sitting next to me on the sofa and putting her hand on my cheek gently. "Yeah fine, I only bashed my head" I stated.

"Badly though, what was that twats problem, what was his name? younis?" Beth asked, looking at both of my brothers for help.

They both nodded. "So zains his brother?" She asked again for reassurance. "It's got nothing to do with me" jordan piped up into the conversation, as he knew what Beth was trying to say.

It was a fact zain didn't like jordan, so maybe he had told his brother to be mean to me, as we were in the same class.

Cory just turned on the tv and sat on the other sofa. "Your very brave though sis" he called over, giving me his usual smile and a supportive nod.

Cory had always been nice to me when it came to things like this. We always had our own little silent conversations, which we could just understand what eachother meant, without talking.

• • •

The night was nothing special. I spent the whole evening on the sofa watching tv, even eating dinner in front of the sofa. However Mrs Carter made me soup so it would be easier to eat than usual chewing.

I found it all a bit awkward how much they were helping and looking after me. Usually for something like this, I would just be chucked a paracetamol by my dad and sent on my way, with a supportive nod.

Mr bell had informed me he put the lad in isolation for the day and tomorrow, which made me very happy that I at least got some revenge, however I still would get more when i next saw him.

Cory walked back downstairs, a few hours after dinner, as he had been playing the Xbox in his room. "Georgia" he called out, walking into the room.

I looked at him and shot him a look for him to start talking. "Do you like that Hassan boy" he asked, laughing. "Why" I sighed, with an agitated tone.

"I was playing with Riz on COD and he said Hassan got in a fight with that younis lad, cos he likes ya" he informed me, laughing as he said it.

"We're friends" I stated bluntly, as Cory just looked at me for a while before nodding and going back upstairs.

I rolled my eyes just not in a great mood after what happened that day. My head was still in pain every time I moved, and I just couldn't be bothered with Cory making jokes about mine and hassans crush on eachother.

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