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Later in the evening, Cory and I both went out to Candices house, as he was still trying to get to grips with the fact he was a dad

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Later in the evening, Cory and I both went out to Candices house, as he was still trying to get to grips with the fact he was a dad. Especially to Candices child, who he had been constantly defending was a "10 minute quickie".

We walked up the path and up to the door, where Cory stood still for a second. "Cory are you alright?" I asked, looking at him, and seeing his slightly worried face.

"Uh...yeah" he told me, bringing himself back to reality. He reached out and pressed the door bell, and it quickly opened, as the girl stood facing us, lost for words at Cory standing at her door.

"Cory?.... I didn't think you'd come" she stated, however gave him a comforting glance before putting the baby she was holding into his arms.

"Look... it's your daddy" she whispered to Jamie, tapping his nose very gently after cory had a proper hold of him.

Cory stood there in silence, looking down at his baby son, and I could only imagine how he was feeling. Confused, shocked, however he must of known it was his this whole time, and just tried to tell himself it wasn't.

• • •

We both walked back slowly, each one of our step had a gap of at least a second in between, as Cory was ranting on at me. His words finally arriving, after his silence for the past hour.

"She must be mad if she thinks I'm gonna wreck my life cos of that quick shag. And she had no right telling Jordan it were mine. Shes just looking for attention, how olds that kid? At least 6 months old by now..... she's clearly-...."

I cut him off with a quick "shut up now" as he gave me a quick glare, before continuing to walk, muttering to himself so he continue his rant.

• • •

We sat down on a graffitied bench that was in the middle of our chav estate. Cory had gotten us both a bottle of Coke from the corner opposite.

"Are you really not gonna be in his life cores?" I asked after a while, looking straight at him, as he just faced forward, not wanting to meet eyes with me.

"I'm not wrecking my life cos of that kid of hers. She knew that all along." He informed me, sternly.. not like his usual jokey tone he always has.

"But remember us with mum...." I started but stopped once he gave me a harsh glare. "Come on, we don't talk bout her anymore. She left us, I'll never have left if I was never there" he stated.

As we sat there, we saw our dads car speed through the street, nearly hitting a kid who had to quickly sprint for his life to get out of the way.

"Was that dad?" I questioned, quickly sitting up, panicked. "Yeah" Cory muttered, his attention also focusing on our dads car long in the distance now.

"Do you think everything's alright?... oh shit, is Beth alright?" I announced anxiously, before quickly picking up my phone and scrambling through my contacts to call her.

Cory watched as I put the phone on speaker phone and listened to the rings finally stop. "Hello?" Beth answered from the other end.

"Hi. Is everything ok? Is dad in a mood cos we just saw his car speed past- "  I explained however she cut me of with a loud sigh.

"Right well yes he is in a bad mood, our Jordan got himself arrested. Stole mr bells car" she told us, her voice riddled with complete annoyance aswell as concern.

"For fucks sake... the TWAT!" Cory yelled from beside me, getting angrier and angrier at what our brother had got himself into.

"Just come home, it's not gonna be pretty tonight, I tell you" Beth ordered us, and hung up swiftly after, before we could even respond.

• • •

Cory and I both walked home pretty quickly, not telling ourselves be distracted by our 'friends' from around the estate, who all loved seeing how much we had grown since last time they had proper seen us.

We walked into the house, as the door was unlocked like usual, and saw Beth sitting on the stairs with her phone to her ear.

"Ok missy, I better be off, cos I've gotta make my lot tea, but I hope everything goes well tomorrow, good luck and love you" Beth was speaking to missy as she then hung up and looked at both of us standing in front of her, Cory now leaning his back on the door.

Hayley had been taken into care for the last week or so, as there nana had died, and missy of course was too young to be able to look after another under age person.

"What is for tea?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. Cory sniggered from behind me, however Beth didn't even crack any sort of smile, and just stared at me with a disapproval look.

"Jesus sorry. Just trying to lighten the mood before we see our brother get killed in front of us" I defended, however that went down even worse, as my older sister gave me a hard shove, as she walked away to go into the kitchen.

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