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"Ooo who's Chloe?!" I yelled, running away from Jordan after grabbing his phone from his hand

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"Ooo who's Chloe?!" I yelled, running away from Jordan after grabbing his phone from his hand. He chased me down the stairs, trying to grab it back before I read anymore messages.

"Give it back" he shouted, as I ran around the loop of the living room and hallway. Cory joined in and grabbed hold of Jordan, so I could read more.

"Oo chloe says your really fit" I laughed, scrolling through the messages. "Awww bless she's sent our little jords 6 heart emojis in a row" I kept laughing, whilst showing Cory.

Jordan got out of corys grip and grabbed his phone back, giving me a huge shove onto the sofa. "Your such a weirdo" he muttered, walking away.

Beth managed to usher us out of the house in time so we wouldn't be late for school. Cory was in his usual cheery mood, bouncing around on the walk there, annoying everyone.

"I swear to god Cory, I know your my twin but your really fucking annoying" Beth snapped, slapping his arm, whilst Cory only smirked finding it funny.

We walked towards the school gates, and I saw the chloe girl, who seemed to be waiting for jordan. "Bye kiddies" Beth said, and walked over to where missy was standing. The boys also walked of, Cory into his big group of mates.

I went into my form and sat down with my friends, lucy and Katie. Miss keane walked in, and did the register.

"Do you want to do something later?" I asked my friends. "Yeah definitely, but we can't go to mine, my mums in a bad mood" Lucy told us. "Same" Katie agreed. "Oh, we could probably go to mine then" I told them both. They smiled and giggled, and I know the exact reason why.

"So I can get to see Cory" Katie laughed, whilst Lucy shook her head. "So I can see jordan" Lucy corrected. "No shut up both of you they're ugly" I giggled.

We sat and chatted, however I noticed a boy keep glancing over at me, from his own group of friends. He was from the Pakistani school, so I didn't actually know who he was.

The next lesson we had was maths, which i could win an award for being so bad at. I sat down in the middle table, and the boy came and sat next to me, whilst Lucy and Katie sat opposite us, giving me little winks.

I giggled at them, and pulled my pencil case out of my handbag. "I'm Georgia" I tell the boy, who smiles at me. "Hi I'm Hassan" he replies, I nod and smile at him.

"What do you think of the school then?" I ask him, just trying to make conversation. "It's ok, my dads the school sponsor which is a bit weird" he informs me, I was a bit shocked because that meant Riz and Alya were his siblings.

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