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I woke up from Cory stomping around his room getting ready for school

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I woke up from Cory stomping around his room getting ready for school. I reluctantly got out of bed, and into my school uniform. Beth had already gone downstairs as i had heard her get ready a bit earlier on. I quickly brushed my hair and put my full face of makeup on, before strolling into Jordan's and corys room, to annoy them like usual.

Cory was sitting on his gaming chair, on his phone already ready for school, whilst jordan was still curled up in bed, asleep.

"Go chuck water on him" Cory sniggered, to which I smirked and did as he said. I walked back into the room, leaned over him, and poured the cup of water over Jordan's face.

He woke up in shock, and wiped the water from his face. "What the fuck Georgia!" He yelled, punching my arm, angrily.

"Cory told me to do it!" I defended, laughing, as I sat on the edge of corys bed. "Your make up looks shit" jordan muttered, as it was his common insult for me.

Cory and I went downstairs, to where our dad and older sister Beth were. They both had a cup of tea in there hands, standing in the kitchen.

"Morning" he nodded at the both of us, almost awkwardly. "Alright" Cory said, shoving pieces of toast in the toaster.

"What was the yelling about?" Kevin asked us, trying to be nice, after his past drunk days. "Oh nothing" I told him, dismissively, which he looked almost sad about not getting involved with the joke. Beth smiled knowing it was just sibling banter that we had gotten up to.

Cory gave me a plate with a few slices of toast and I went into the living room to eat them. Jordan eventually walked downstairs, his uniform as scruffy as ever.

Cory, Beth and our dad joined us in the living room, as we waited till we had to leave for school. "Be Good yes?" Kevin warned us all, as me and Cory both glanced at Jordan and we both knew it was more directed to him.

All of us wilson siblings sat down on the sofa next to each other, whilst I finished my toast.

"Right come on" Cory said, standing up, after checking his phone for the time. "Have a good day" our dad told us, giving me and Beth a hug. He could only pat jordan on the back before he rushed out of the door, followed by Cory. "Bye" we all yelled as we slammed the door shut.

We all walked down the street together, Jordan actually going slow on his bike, to ride along beside us. "I'm looking buff ain't I" Cory randomly said, feeling his own arm muscles. "No" Beth replied, before feeling her brothers muscles, which he was shoving in her face.

"Come on then little ones, let's feel yours" Beth laughed, turning around to both me and Jordan. She had always called us that, although she was only older by 1 and 3 years.

Jordan flexed as she felt his arm, and I did the same. "They're both weak" Cory stated. "Georgia's your competition cory!" Beth told him, before strutting of so Cory couldn't argue with her, I just laughed, as jordan rode back of on his bike.

• • •

I sat in my form room, with the rest of my new Yr9 form. Miss keane was my form tutor and she seemed nice so far.

"So everyone, I was wondering if you wanted to go around the room and tell us a few facts about yourself?" Miss keane asked us all, and we all nodded. "Do you want to go first?" She questioned looking at me, as I was sat at the front.

I nodded slightly nervously, and stood up as miss keane was motioning for me too. "I'm Georgia wilson, ummm, I like to hang out with friends, and yeah that's it" I announced to everyone, not knowing what to say. She nodded encouragingly, "Do you have any hobbies or pets?" She asked.

"I quite like football, and I like to do my makeup, even though my brother always says it's bad" I said, making her laugh, and let me finally sit down.

Once form was over, I went to my first lesson, PE. I didn't know many people from the other school yet, so was mainly keeping to my old school friends, when I went up to the playground.

Our pe teacher was called Mr Bell, and arrived slightly late. "Your late sir!" A boy called out, making everyone laugh. "I was dealing with something" he told us, chuckling.

"Alright yr9! We are gonna be doing football, so let's head up to the field, and I'll put you into teams" he told us all, and we all followed him through to the large football field. I stood with Lucy and Katie, who I've been friends with since reception, as mr bell told which kids to go in what teams.

We started playing, and I was of course playing as striker. A boy passed me the ball, and I instantly sprinted with the ball, past everyone who were trying to tackle me, and I scored a goal.

"Well done!" Mr bell cheered, running up to high five me. "Your very good, I better make a football team up, what's your name?" He asked.

"Georgia wilson" I replied, about to walk of. "Hang on Hang on, have you got a brother in Yr11?" He questioned me, I shrugged not knowing why he seemed so taken back. "Uh yeah, jordan" I answered.

"We've just had to send him home, nearly got himself excluded" he informed me. "Oh my god already?! We told him not to cause trouble" I snapped, annoyed at the stupid boy.

The teacher gave me a smile and shrug, and we started the match of football again. I wasn't as good as when we first started, as my mind was now glued on the fact, jordan and my dad were at home together, with my dad clearly angry at me brother.

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