𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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I was called down for dinner, as I stormed down the stairs and sat in the living room, whilst my dad and Beth were obviously confused in why I was in a mood

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I was called down for dinner, as I stormed down the stairs and sat in the living room, whilst my dad and Beth were obviously confused in why I was in a mood.

"You alright gg" Beth questioned, sitting beside me. "I'm fine, I just don't appreciate Cory trying to tell me what to do" I remarked, shooting him over a glare. "Whatever" he shrugged.

"Come on, can yous just get on." Our dad stated, turning on the tv for us to watch with our tea. We ate our dinner pretty much in silence as we were all focusing on the tv, instead of each other, as it stops us fighting.

• • •

A notification popped up on my phone whilst I was sitting with the family watching tv. It was a text from Katie asking to meet, so I replied quickly saying yes.

"Oh dad im going out with Katie" I told him walking out of the room. "Alright well be safe, don't be too late" he replied, as I nodded and left the house.

I walked down the street to the corner shop, where Katie and I always meet. There she was standing with Hassan, Lucy and Amir. "Alright Georgia" Katie announced, running over and hugging me. "Hiya" i stated, saying it to all of them. Hassan smiled at me, giving me a hug as I hugged him back, happy to see him.

"Right, so amirs planned to meet a dealer" Katie informed me excitedly. "Jesus calm down it's a school night" I laughed a bit. "Gotta live a little" amir informed me. "Drugs isn't exactly living a little is it" Hassan stated.

I looked over at him and could tell he wasn't keen on the plan, but he was used to amirs shit so didnt tell him not too. "Well what time are you meeting" I questioned. "Like now, come on, come with me." He said.

"No" I stated laughing at how he actually thought I would. "Ah come on" he pleaded. "What, are you scared?" I mocked, pulling a face at him. "No, but your family's used to drugs, so time you learn, ain't it" amir shot back. "Your a prick" I told him, leading the way over to the corner of the street, where I knew was the place he was meeting the dealer.

Soon enough, a boy on a bike rode up to us. A hood covering half his face. I kept staring at him, somehow knowing it was the person I wished it wasn't.  "Here" he said bluntly handing it over, as amir handed him the money.

"Jordan?" I asked, as he lifted his head and I saw it was definitely my brother. "Georgia what the fuck" he announced, pulling the drugs off amir and chucking the money back at him.

"Don't think your getting me little sister all drugged up, you little dick" Jordan shot at amir, before glaring at me and riding off.

"What the hell! What about our drugs!" Amir declared at me, chucking his arms in defeat. "Did you know jordan was the dealer" I questioned amir. "No" he answered without hesitation. "Amir don't fucking lie" I stated threateningly.

"Look zain said he knew Jordan was a dealer but I didn't know he would be the one giving it to us" amir shrugged trying to reassure me.

"You knew? He could go back to prison for this!" I yelled at amir, before storming off down the street. "Georgia where are you going?!" Lucy yelled, noticing I was leaving. I ignored her and just kept walking, to go back home.

I didn't realise my friends cared so little about me. And if amir and Hassan are best friends, then did Hassan know too, and didn't tell me. Maybe Cory was right?

• • •

I walked back into the house, shutting the door behind me, as I saw dad and Beth still sitting in the living room. "Your back early love" dad called out to me. "Yeah was a bit cold" I lied, before going upstairs and straight into Jordan's room.

"Alright?" I asked sarcastically. He looked up at me, raising his eyebrows rudely to ask what I want. "Where's Cory" I questioned. "Shower" he replied bluntly.

"Good" i stated before shoving jordan into the wall. "Now stop selling fucking drugs or I'll tell dad" I stated sternly, right in his face so he understood that I meant it.

He shoved me out the way, and laughed slightly, as I just watched him, realising I didn't even know him these days.

"Weren't you trying to buy drugs though Georgie. You ain't perfect either, are you?" He  informed me harshly.

Finally updated. Sorry for making everyone wait so long. I will continue updating regularly again! Enjoy.


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