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For the past few days I had been allowed to stay home to rest after my injury

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For the past few days I had been allowed to stay home to rest after my injury. I'm not going to say I didn't milk it a little, as I was fine the day after but of course I wanted to stay home and lie in everyday.

Today was the day I was forced to go back in, although I complained enough- and it wasn't much help when you lived with the headteacher.

Mrs Carter drove Beth and I into school with her, as she went in earlier than all the students, so we both sat in the quad, until missy and Hayley would arrive.

We sat and talked until I saw zain and amir younis both stroll in through the gates. Beth and I both glared at them as they walked past, as they both noticed and stared back.

"I'm gonna get my own back on him" I murmured to Beth. "Just leave it, he's been in isolation the past few days" Beth stated sternly, making sure I wouldn't pull any silly shit.

I shrugged whilst smirking and walked away and through the school corridor, whilst trying to think of a plan. "Georgia hey!" Lucy and Katie called out, running over and hugging me.

I hugged them back as they were smiling at me. "How's your head, there was a rumour going round that you had nearly died in hospital" katie announced to me, her eyes widened, as if it was true.

"Yeah yeah course, lost way too much blood and all" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes and opening my locker up.

"What really?!" Lucy questioned. "No" I snapped, bluntly, whilst walking away. I didn't really know why I was being so bitchy to them, I just couldn't be bothered trying to act all smiley and happy. Especially since I had met that group of teenagers who were proper cool.

As I walked into my form room, everyone was staring between me and amir, as if we were gonna start having some sort of instant fight.

I ignored the stares and went and sat down next to Hassan who was looking comfortingly at me. "You alright?" He asked quietly. "Yeh... thanks." I answered. I found this boy so cute and I don't even know why.

Miss keane walked into the room, and started asking everyone how there previous evening was, whilst the school computer started loading up for the register.

"Yeah georgia, how was your evening at Mrs Carter's house?" Amir called out, whilst looking over at me. "What" I heard everyone mutter to there friends beside them.

"Shut up" I snapped harshly, glaring at him with disgust. "Is it cos your dads a drunk? I saw him knocked out outside a pub once. He looked a right state. How is living on benefits?" He declared, finding himself hilarious.

"That's enough!" Miss keane yelled at the boy, whilst trying to calm everyone. "Your a fucking twat you amir. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but both you and your fucking minging brother can fuck of, thinking your all hard, cos your just embarrassing" I snapped at him, as I stormed out of my seat and over to him.

I chucked my pencil case that I didn't bother put in my bag, at his face, before storming out to the classroom and slamming the door shut behind me, drowning out the shouts from miss keane, telling me to come back.

• • •

After that performance, mr bell was sitting in isolation with me, as Miss keane had snitched on me for my language, and for storming out.

Funnily enough she didn't snitch on amir though, because she only has a problem with me, because she thinks jordan is a bad influence on chloe.

Although by the sounds of things, she's the one stealing all the drinks for them to get pissed up on, not him.

"Georgia, I really want you on the football team, but I won't be able to, if you kick of again" mr bell explained to me, sympathetically, as he sat with his feet up on his desk.

"I don't even care... you didn't hear what he said about my dad!" I shouted, still angry about it all.

"Whatever he says, Your Just gonna have to rise above it!" He told me sternly. I shook my head and faced back towards the wall, so I didn't have to look at my PE teacher.

• • •

Before long, the isolation door opened, and unsurprisingly it was jordan. "Not you aswell" Mr Bell sighed, rolling his eyes.

I laughed to myself, as jordan shrugged and sat down at the end booth. "What did you do?" I heard mr bell ask, however jordan just bluntly explained, he's banned from science lessons until the teacher cools off from god knows what he did, a few days prior.

Although it was isolation and we were meant to all be sitting in silence, we ended up just having a nice little chat about the football match that was on the night before.

Mr bell was getting all excited about the match, as his favourite team had won, and he was still over the moon, as we discussed the different goals and players.

Bit of a filler, but I've got a good storyline idea, so I'm gonna make a start on that!! Please let me know if you want me to include more of certain characters, as I know I don't put much of Cory or Beth in! X

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