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The light flicked on, and I was forced to open my eyes a little, to see Beth standing by the door

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The light flicked on, and I was forced to open my eyes a little, to see Beth standing by the door. "Time to get up" she told me, walking out and going to the boys' bedroom.

Although Beth and Cory were the same age, she had always acted like a mum to Jordan and I, since our mum left, making sure we were fed, washed, feeling ok.

She has also always been the prettiest girl in the school, the most popular and always given the most attention from everyone. Same with Cory for that matter. Jordan and I were more known as there 'mini me's' which is probably one of the reasons jordan is the biggest troublemaker. For more attention.

"Up!" Beth called out to me, walking past the room again to go downstairs. I let out a large sigh, before pulling myself out of bed and into the shower.

Once I was out, I put my school uniform on, with my skirt rolled high and knee socks pulled up over my kneecaps. I sat down by the mirror and put my black eyeliner on, all around my eye and finished up with my makeup, some eyebrow gel, mascara, foundation and contour.

I went downstairs and jumped onto the sofa. "Did dad not come back last night?" I asked Beth. "No, he'll be passed out in the pub, he'll be back once your back from school" she informed me, as it was a usual occurance.

I nodded and looked at her as she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Im gonna kill those boys! Jordan and Cory get the fuck up now!" She yelled up the stairs, to which we heard cory start laughing.

After what felt like ages, Cory and jordan both stomped down the stairs, always seeming to have a competition on who can do it louder.

"What have I told you about stomp- Cory did you punch him again" Beth asked, cutting herself off, after seeing Jordan's eye.

"What, no" Cory said, turning around and looking at his younger brother. "What happened to you" he questioned.

Jordan shrugged and looked in the mirror quickly, repositioning some hair to try and cover his eye.

Beth and Cory both looked at each other slightly confused in how he could of got it, as they knew he had been in isolation, the day before.

"Morning siss" Cory came over to me cheerily, and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back, giggling.

"Come get some proper breakfast" Beth declared to everyone, yelling from the kitchen. "Bye" Jordan quickly slipped out of the door, ignoring what she had just said.

Beth made me some toast with butter, whilst she made herself and Cory some tea. We all sat down in the living room watching the tv, whilst the door bell rang.

"Is that dad?" I asked, but Beth shook her head, as he never came back this early normally.

Cory went and answered the door, to mr bell standing at the doorstep. "Mr bell, what are you doing here?" Cory asked, confused.

"I- uh, Mrs carter asked me to fetch to Jordan, keep an eye out, incase there's any trouble" I heard him reply. "Oh he's gone already" Cory said. "Alright" I heard our teacher reply before Cory shut the door.

"Bit weird" I stated.

• • •

I got to school and went to form, meeting lucy and Katie as I sat down. "Hey" I greeted them. "Heyy" they sang back in unison.

Miss keane walked in and did the register, whilst we all sat and talked. "Listen up everyone I've got some exciting news, yr9s will be performing a musical theatre song for the Yr6 open day which is happening in a few weeks, so I need your guys' help to pick a song" Miss keane announced to all of us.

I sat in my chair and sighed slightly at how childish it was. I mean we are Yr9 now, I would expect us to move on from that type of stuff.

Some girls sitting at the front started yelling out ideas, and they agreed on "it's a hard knock life" from annie, which made it even worse.

"Do we have to be in it" I called out, "yes" she told me. Lucy and Katie didn't seem to bothered to be in it either.
• • •
The bell rang for break time and I walked to my locker to get a folder out for my next lesson. Beth, missy and Nas, all walked past me in unison, catching all the attention from the sixth form boys.

My god I wish I could be Beth. She's perfect. Anyways. Hayley, Chloe and Razia walked over to me, and I shut my locker as they stood infront of me.

"Hey" I smiled at them. "Did your Jordan seriously have a baby in his bag?" Hayley asked curiously, as she always love knowing the drama.

"What? Uh no of course not- well I don't know actually I haven't seen him" I stated, as with him anything was possible, and our family knows about this baby he's caught up in.

"Where did he get a baby from?! You ain't got a baby sibling have you?" Razia questioned, knowing the answer anyway.

"It's Candice Murgatroyds. She's been filling his head saying it's his. We don't reckon it is" i informed them all, they all looked shocked at the fact it could possibly be his, and that he's the first out of all of them to have done- well you know.

I mean what did they expect when Bethany and Cory Wilson our his older siblings.

They all walked away leaving me alone, so I quickly texted Jordan to see if it was true, before putting my phone away and going to find my friends.

Hey! I hope you are enjoying this story, it'll be getting way more exciting soon- I'm just having to build up the characters a little.

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