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It was the day

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It was the day. The day Jordan was coming back from prison. For some reason we all felt nervous, probably because we hadn't heard from him since he went in, although he was able too call, he just didn't bother.

After the Christmas holiday, we weren't able to go back in for another month due to a gas leak in our school, so we had been home for nearly 2 months by now.

A car pulled up outside and my dad looked out the window to check if it was him. "It's him" my dad informed us all and went and opened the door, and stood outside, whilst I went with him.

Mr bell had got him and taken him back here, really just cos we all knew Jordan liked him, and might prefer it.

He shut mr bells car door and walked up the path to where we were. "Alright" he stated, barely looking at me.

"You alright lad? You gotten taller ain't you?" My dad said cheerily, patting his shoulder. He had definitely grown a bit, as he used to be the same height as me, however his haircut and eyebrow piercing caught my attention first. He looked like a proper chav.

"Uh yeah" jordan nodded and walked into the house, as we followed him in. Beth ran down the stairs and pulled him in for a hug as soon as she was on the ground. "We missed you jords" she said.

"What did you to your eyebrow" I finally spoke up, looking him up and down meanly. I was only acting that way, as we used to be really close and now he's acting like he hates us all. Plus he didn't bother call us for nearly 2 months.

"Mate did it" he told me bluntly. "It looks shit" I informed him. He ignored me and went to go upstairs however our dad stopped him.

"Stay down, I've got a couple beers in fridge" he informed him. "Alright" Jordan said, and went through to the kitchen, whilst glancing around at everything.

I went and sat with Beth in the garden, as the sun was shining for once. "Why's he acting like a twat" I asked her. "Cmon be nice, he was stuck inside with all sorts of people, I doubt that was very fun" she told me, However still find it hard to believe, considering his  new "mates" seemed to be giving out free piercings, which was more fun than calling us apparently.

• • •

The boys came and joined us in the garden, including our dad, all with a beer bottle in there hands.

"Did you hear school hasn't opened since Christmas?" Beth asked trying to make conversation with him. "Yeah, mr bell said" he answered.

"Did you ever drop the soap jordan" Cory asked meanly, with a sly smile on his face as he said it. "Oi cut it out" our dad told him sternly.
"What, I'm just checking he didn't get bummed!" Cory defended as I sniggered.

"No I didn't get fucking bummed" Jordan snapped at the oldest brother, giving him a rough kick.

"We enjoyed all your phone calls J" I called over to him, sarcastically. "Yeah bet you did" he remarked, just as sarcastic as me.

"You guys stop it, cmon" our dad pleaded, and although there was a lot more I could say, I decided against it, just for dad's sake, as I didn't want to upset him.

• • •

A couple days later, was the first day of school. I woke up early and quickly got in my uniform, and did my hair into two messy plaits, along with the black eyeliner all always out round my eyes.

I left the house earlier than my siblings, and met up with Katie and Lucy at the corner shop. "Hey" they called out, as I walked up to them. "Hi" I said back, giving them a smile.

"Let's go meet the boys" Katie announced, as we all walked through the rainy street, on the way to the park.

"It's so fucking cold!" I exclaimed, holding my blazer tightly together, whilst my two friends laughed from in front of me. "I'm literally numb!" Lucy agreed.

• • •

I sat cuddled up on Hassans lap, as he was sitting on the swing. Katie and Amir were now a thing, which I wasn't exactly happy about but I didn't say anything, I just thought he was a prick.

"Fuck we're gonna be late" Hassan stated, after pulling out his phone. "Yeah let's go" Lucy informed everyone. We all nodded and started the walk back to school.

Once we got through the gates and the rain had finally eased, we noticed how soaking our hair was. "Fuck me" Katie moaned, looking at herself in her phone camera.

"I look a right state!" She muttered, however amir gave her a kiss on her cheek, which made me want to be sick. I really couldn't stand Amir.

We walked through the quad, all us girls linking arms, whilst amir and Hassan walked infront of us.

Miss Carter and Mr Bell were both stood in front of the school entrance, obviously monitoring people's uniform.

"Amir, Trainers. Georgia, make up" miss Carter stated with a smile on her face as we walked up to her. "But these ain't even trainers" amir argued. "Yeah I've heard that before. Get them changed for tomorrow" she instructed, whilst pulling out a make up wipe from a packet she was holding in her hand.

She handed it over to me however I just looked her up and down and walked away. "Georgia, wipe the eyeliner off!" She called out, after me.

"No!" I called back out to her, before turning around and walking through the busy school corridors, to meet Nas and Naveed kissing way too passionately infront of everyone.

I sniggered, slightly in shock, whilst meeting eye contact with Beth who pulled the same face at me from across the other row of lockers.

• • •

Sorry shorter update this time. Will update loads tomorrow.

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