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I sat in class with Mr bell being the cover teacher for my English lesson

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I sat in class with Mr bell being the cover teacher for my English lesson. I had only sat there and stared into space, until the bell rang, pulling me back into reality and started to pack up my stuff.

I went to walk out with Hassan, however Mr bell called over to me. "Georgia, can I have a word, 2 minutes tops" he asked, adding the last bit on as I rolled my eyes.

He gave me a little comfort smile as my friends all left, and I sat on a table, whilst mr bell leaned on the desk.

"Is everything ok? You all seem... distant?" He questioned anxiously, staring at me, as I looked at the floor and back up.

"Fine" i told him bluntly. "Come on Georgia, I know somethings up, I can help you all, if you'd tell me" he continued to plead.

"Our dad went mad on jordan again, everything's been shit since" I blurted out, before stopping myself. His eyes widened a little and he stood up straight.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "Hurt him, he ain't been home much, corys been weird and Beths trying her hardest, and our dads been drunk every night" I explained, with there being not much option after I couldn't keep my mouth shut the first time.

Mr bell nodded, and opened the door, as I jumped off the desk. "I'll get it sorted Georgia, thank you for telling me" he stated as I walked out.

Man I think my siblings will hate me for what I just told him. I walked down the corridor, coming across cory and Riz, shoving each other.

"Caught on have we, gay boy?" I heard Cory yell, as I got nearer the crowd. I pulled out my phone and started filming, finding it funny, but Beth came along and grabbed it out of my hand.

"Dont be stupid" she whispered hastily to me, before yelling for Cory to stop. Mr bell and mr simpson soon came running to split them up.

"You two! Rugby on Thursday" Steve said yelling at them. "What? But sir I'm a footballer!" Cory complained.

"Well then you can enjoy 2 weeks in detention?!" Mr bell stated, giving him both options, as the teacher walked away from him.

"Can I not leave any of you alone for 2 minutes?" Beth questioned, directing it mainly at cory, but he just smirked slightly and walked away with his friends.

• • •

The canteen was packed like usual as I sat at a table with Lucy and Katie. We were peering around trying to see if Cory and Riz would get in another fight, after I had shown them the first little fight video.

However it was cut short as Mrs Carter walked over to our table, with a soft smile on her face. "Georgia can you come to my office, your not in trouble" she asked. I nodded and grabbed my bag, and walked away with her.

I heard whispers as I walked past the different tables, mainly saying how I'm just like my siblings, who obviously didn't have a great reputation.

We walked through reception pretty much in silence, until we made it to her office where Beth and Cory were sitting, with mr bell perching in the corner.

I displayed a confused look on my face as I took a seat in the middle of my older twin siblings.

"Okay, I just want to say, I'm so sorry about all of this. However a report was made about a situation that went on at home, and social sevices agreed for you to come and stay with us for a couple of weeks, instead of then splitting you all up" Mrs Carter explained, as our faces all turned to shock. We're leaving our dad?

"What?" Cory spoke up, his tone of voice seeming unsure of what to choose. Angry, sad. Relived?

"It's unsafe with you living there, with your dad, for the time being. He will get some help and hopefully you can go back once he's slightly better.

"Who made the report?" Beth asked, whilst mr Bell and Mrs Carter exchanged glances. "Confidential" she told her.

"Is that ok with you all? Like I said I am sorry, and I'm sorry your stuck with us" she said sympathetically, whilst making a little joke at the end.

Beth smiled a little at the joke, but we all sat in silence in full disbelief. They let us sit in reception till the end of the day to get our head round things.

• • •

As we walked out of school along with both teachers, I saw jordan and Chloe both sitting on a table in the quad.

They were the only two there as everyone else had already gone home, so I'm guessing she was just keeping him company till we came.

"Come on jordan" mr bell called over. He looked over at us, and stood up, however said something making both him and Chloe laugh, before he walked over.

"There's our little smoker" he sniggered at me, chucking my packet of cigarettes at my face. My face dropped, as it was my secret, and he must of found out through me accidentally dropping the packet

"Your a twat" I muttered to him, quickly picking the fags up and shoving them in my pocket.

Mrs Carter just raised her eyebrows at the both of us, as we walked towards there car in the parking lot.

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