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We spent the evening at the booths house, along with Nas, Razia and Saleem, (there brother in my year) who all popped over to join us

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We spent the evening at the booths house, along with Nas, Razia and Saleem, (there brother in my year) who all popped over to join us. We ordered a Chinese takeaway, and we all started tucking in.

All the older siblings, sat on the couch, whilst the younger siblings sat on the floor in front. I noticed Simone watching us from the kitchen, with a cute smile on her face. I can't imagine how happy she could be, living back at home, with her two daughters. Finally there happy little family again.

"Let's put some music on then!" Missy announced, standing up and going over to a speaker in the middle of the room. "What song?" She called out to everyone.

"Valerie!" Hayley yelled over, as missy nodded with proudness at her sisters suggestion, and then started fiddling with the machine.

The only thing we could hear were corys complaints, until they finally drowned out as missy turned the volume up and Amy Winehouse started booming through the speakers.

All us girls started getting up and dancing with each other, missy was able to even drag her mum in. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so much, as I realised how much fun I was having with these girls. It made me forget everything we had going on at home.

"Georgia, why don't you invite your dad round, we could make it a proper night" Simone told me, a smirk on her face, as if she wanted to see him. I was slightly confused however nodded and pulled out my phone to text him.

• • •

I was hiding behind the sofa, as I knew Saleem and Jordan both had a nerf gun in both there hands, ready to shoot me as soon I got up.

They had managed to find them in Hayley's room and now had been annoying me for the last 20 minutes. However the door bell rang, finally making me get up and being met with a nerf bullet straight at my forehead from Jordan. "Ow!" I yelled, giving him a slap, before going to open the door.

"Hiya love" he stated, and walked in slightly, as Simone came running over to us. "Alright kev, let me get us a drink ey?" Simone smiled, whilst starting to find everything in her kitchen cupboards.

"Yeah thanks love, beer will do nicely" my dad told her. I smiled at him before leaving them too it, and going upstairs to find the girls and Cory, who loved the variety of girls he had to flirt with, so hadn't parted with either of the Booths or Parachas.

• • •

"Guys guys, our dad, and your mum are having drinks together" I giggled, whilst jumping on the bed, in the middle all of them.

"No way" missy screamed excitedly. "No way" Cory said sounding disgusted. "Whats wrong with that? Your dad gets more girls than you, is that it?" Missy teased, pulling a sad face as she said it. He gently shoved her whilst sniggering.

"We could be sisters Miss" Beth squealed, grabbing both Missy's hand, way to over the top for the fact it was just drinks.

"No no no, I still need to shag you Missy" Cory announced, causing missy to slap his arm hard. "What have I told you!" She said sternly, however it was all playfully.

• • •

The next morning, I woke up to a bright light shining through the curtains. I sat up and realised I was still in the booths house. I was beside Hayley and Razia on the floor, with a million blankets chucked over us.

"Wow, lazy is finally awake" Beth joked. Her missy and Nas were all sitting on the bed, looking like they just woke up themselves.

"Yeah well done Einstein, what time is it" I asked, and Beth showed me her phone Home Screen. "Oh only 11" I muttered, and put my head bank on the pillow. "Don't you dare go back to sleep girl" Beth said and pulled me up by my arms. She laughed as I just pulled a annoyed face and followed them all downstairs.

To our surprise my dad and Simone were sitting at the table together, both with a piece of toast on there plate and a cup of tea each.

We all glanced at each other with a shocked, and trying not to laugh face. "Morning loves"
Simone called out. "Morning mum, morning Kevin" Missy was the first one to speak, and went into the kitchen herself to get breakfast.

"Come on girls get somethin to eat" Simone told the rest of us. We nodded and went and got some toast each. "How did you sleep" my dad called out to me. "Yeah fine... you?" I asked, wondering what I was even saying after it left my mouth.

"Uh... yeah. Yeah yeah" my dad said, making it even more awkward with the amount of yeahs he decided to say.

I nodded along and went over to the sofa where Cory and Jordan were sleeping top to tail, although Cory seemed to be taking up the whole thing.

I got a nerf gun that was lying next to them and  shot one at both of them, making them jolt awake, just to be met with me laughing.

"Oi" Cory snapped angrily, still half asleep, jolting his fist to pretend he was going to hit me. "Come on lads wake up, it's nearly night time again" my dad called over jokily, as Simone laughed in admiration at the man.

• • •

Beth and I both sat in our rooms discussing the whole dad and Simone thing. "Do you think they shagged?" I questioned. "Missy says she reckons they did, her mum washed her sheets like straight away" Beth informed me, as I started laughing. "What the fuckkk" I stated.

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