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"What's for tea?" I yelled down the stairs to my dad who was slumped in the living room, as per usual

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"What's for tea?" I yelled down the stairs to my dad who was slumped in the living room, as per usual. Beth was still out, and Cory was in his room playing on his Xbox. "Chippy" dad called back up to me, not even hesitating, as if cooking wasn't at all considered.

I sighed in my room, getting sick of the greasy chips that dad brought us back at least 3 times a week. I decided to go into Cory's room, as my phone had started to bore me. My group chat on Snapchat with all my friends had faded out as everyone went for their tea.

"Alright?" Cory nodded to me, as he kept his eyes were still glued to his tv screen, as his hands moved fast on the Xbox controller. "I'm so bored, can we do something" I asked, jumping on his bed, as we sat at his desk.

"Like what?" Cory stated, expressionless, still focused on his game. "We could make tea together, I don't really fancy chips again" I told him.

Cory clearly liked the idea, as he actually paused his game, and put the controller down. "Yeah alright then" he smiled, patting my head to get us to go downstairs. I jumped on his back as he started walking, catching him by surprise and nearly making him drop me, however he caught his balance and gave me a piggy back downstairs.

"God fatso you've gotten heavy" he grunted dropping me on the floor, once we had gotten to the bottom. "Oi, you can talk, you wear size large" I replied. "That's called bulk, I'm a rugby player now remember, can't be a scrawny twig, like Riz" Cory informed me, still trying to prove he's better than his competition, even though they're best mates.

"What shall we make?" I asked, opening a cupboard door and peering in, coming to the realisation, we really didn't have much food, let alone ingredients. "I'm good at spaghetti, curry, erm... chill con carne" Cory listed of things he could make, his eyes looking up at the ceiling, as he thought.

"Curry's good" I agreed. "Alright, I'll have to call Beth to get some ingredients, if she's coming back some time soon" Cory told me.

He pulled his phone out and quickly got Beth up on the phone. He put it on speaker and left it on the counter, as he got himself a beer from the fridge, one of the few things actually in it.

The phone rang a few times before a breathless Beth answered on the other side. "Hello?" She asked, panting and puffing very fast. "What the fuck you up too" Cory sniggered as I elbowed him with a disgusted look.

"We just got fucking chased by Nas' older brother" she informed us on the other line. "Nas has another brother?" Cory asked. "No!" We heard Nas interrupt.

"Long story, anyway what do you want?" Beth asked, clearly not appreciating her dear siblings phone call.

"Are you on your way back, we need things from the shop for tea" I took over the talking, as Cory ignored the question, concentrating on seeing how fast he could chug his beer.

"Yeah I'm on my way back, what do you need?"

"We're making curry, so we need chicken, we've got spices and then an onion, and probably need some more rice, also can you get me a chocolate milk" I added onto the end hoping the quick addition would make it seem like an easy buy.

"For gods sake, want anything else whilst I'm there" Beth asked sarcastically, not that cory caught on. "Well if your offering..." Cory begun. "No!" Beth stated before hanging the phone up.

"The bitch" Cory muttered, at the call ending, making me giggle.

• • •

We sat down in the living room all together, eating our curry that Cory and I had made for tea. Well apart from Jordan, as he had been gone all evening.

Cory and Dad sat on the sofa, whilst Beth and I sat on the floor infront of them. Dad had a Top Gear episode on, which we had grown up with dad watching, so we were quite happy watching it with him.

"This is lovely mate, Ta" dad smiled to Cory, patting his shoulder, clearly appreciating the effort. He had been struggling recently. Getting very drunk, a lot of the time.

"That's alright, was George's idea" my brother replied, tapping my back with his leg. "Cheers love" dad said to me, as I smiled in response.

As we finished our dinner, Dad got himself another beer from the empty fridge and continued to drink for the rest of the evening, which wasn't uncommon. He soon passed out on the sofa, which is almost a relief as you don't have to worry about setting him off about something, and making him angry.

The only annoying thing is the fact he took up the entire sofa, so we were stuck sitting on the floor.

Beth told Cory and I all about Nas' newfound brother of hers, and how they got chased, thinking it was some pedo who was going to kill them. I laughed, just imagining the three of them sprinting through the Ackley town, scared out of their minds, and it ending up being just a nice family member.

However we were soon interrupted by a ring at the door bell, which Cory went to answer. I listened out and heard by the conversation, Jordan had gotten himself into trouble.... again.

After a minute or two, Cory entered the room again, shoving Jordan in before him. "Why the fuck are you always like this, your so stupid! Dad told you to stay away!" Cory had a go at my other brother, who just stood in the middle of the room and rolled his eyes.

"What's happened?" Beth questioned, knowing she'll be able to get it out of Jordan. "Nowt" Jordan began, however Cory interrupted. "He's in debt to a pair of thugs"

"It's not like that" Jordan screwed his face up. "So your in debt to them two, as well as a high up fucking drug dealer, what's next?" Cory continued. "Prison again?"

"Just leave it now" Beth stopped her twin. "Not my fault I'm looking out for your kid" Jordan retaliated. "Yeah... and look where that's got you. That's why I told you to stay away. I have, and it's done me a lot of good- you're the dickhead who's fucked their life up" Cory told him.

"And you're the dickhead who fucked my girlfriend, if it wasn't for you- there'd be no kid to worry about" Jordan spat back, with a glare.

"Shut the fuck up now, both of you" Beth told them both, a serious look plastered on her face. "It's no fun having to listen to yous, constantly fucking fighting"

I had sat there, enjoying all the little petty digs they had been sending to each other, and was actually annoyed it had been brought to a halt.

"Have you eaten owt?" Beth asked Jordan, who was still death staring at Cory, a moody face plastered on him. "No" Jordan told her. "Right come on then, I'll make you beans on toast or summat" Beth told him, leading him out to the kitchen so our brothers would stop arguing.

They both left, leaving Cory and I together. His scowl continued until we latched eyes, and we both ended in a fit of laughter, for some reason acting very childishly about the argument, and seeming to find it incredibly funny.

Thank you for the reads! Haven't updated in like a year oops but had to get back into things, so will do a longer update tomorrow! Xx

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