• Chapter 1 •

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On a big ground, the prisoners were playing kabaddi divided into two teams.
They chasing and jumping on each other trying to get them out.

"Now it's your chance to raid",one of the teammates said to the most handsome man present there who is non other than our Rakku Shona. He went to raid chanting Divya's name instead of kabaddi.

"Divya, Divya", saying so he started chasing the defenders of the other team. All defenders caught him. He closed his eyes and saw Divya cheering for him. Putting all his strength he pushed all of them and ran to his side. All were out.At that time the police came and all the prisoners were taken back to their prisons. 

Next day was Rakshit's last day in the jail. After whole 5 yrs he was going home. Waiting for his parents to come and take him home. His mother came to take him home. She did all the formalities. A police man came to Rakshit and told him that his mom has came.

His happiness knew no bonds. He engulfed his mother in a hug. After so many years, he hugged his mother. Their eyes turned moist. They sat in the car and went home. At home, Chetan Shergill, his father was sitting with one of his friends and watching India - Pakistan cricket match. Rakshit and his mom reached home.

"Rakshit, my son, welcome back home. Are you really changed or you have ran away from the jail?", Seeing Rakshit this was Chetan's first sentence that came out of his mouth rather than hugging him or being happy.

"I'm not a criminal, I am a lover.", Said Rakshit with a plain face. But he was interrupted by his father.

"Oh!! The greatest lover of all!! I have paid four lakh rupees for your engineering seat and you are busy doing 'Divya, Divya' and all my money is wasted.", Said his father being disappointed of the fact that his son is  just wasting his time on a girl rather than focusing on his career.

Rakshit simply kept mum not able to speak anything as he knew that whatever his father was saying was not wrong but for him Divya was much more important than his career.

"Stop Chetan ji, it's more than enough. Rakshit has just now came from jail, let him take some rest.", Saying so Mahima sent Rakshit to his bedroom to take some rest.

"Seeing him I feel he has come home from party not from jail", Chetan's friend commented but after receiving a glare from Mahima, he went to his home.

As Rakshit entered his room, he immediately freshened up and started finding Divya's number in a diary which he had. He tried 2-3 numbers but all were switched off, busy or something like that.

He took his laptop and tried to find Divya's details but he miserably failed. Feeling disappointed he lay on the bed and sleep overtook him.

Next day he went to Divya's old address where she used to live during her college time. He tried to get in but the gate was closed. Suddenly a watchman came there.

"Hey boy, what are you doing here?", Asked the watchman.

"Are you new here?", Questioned Rakshit instead of answering the watchman's question.

"I am here from many years but whom are you looking for?", Said the watchman not able recognise Rakshit.

"I am here to meet a young lady.", Said Rakshit happily and hopefully.

"Young lady!? I am bored seeing all these typical aunties here and you are talking about young lady!!", Said the watchman mocking him.

"What aunties live here but  my Divya use to stay here.", said Rakshit.

"Who Divya? Mr. Jain and his family stay here from so many years.", Said watchman unknown of the fact that Divya and her family used to stay there earlier.

"What? Do you know where are the Vermas?", Asked the shocked Rakshit.

"How will I know about them. I am hired by Mr. Jain. Now go from here otherwise I will take strict action.", Said the watchman.

Sadly Rakshit went from there. He was so desperate in finding her. He was showing her photo to the people on the road and asking about Divya. 

Precap: Drikshit meet maybe!!

If you any mistakes, please ignore them.

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Expecting atleast 25 votes on this part ;)

Can someone help me out with the cover of this story pls?

Lots of love,

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