• Chapter 6 •

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A car came to halt in front of a small mansion. A angry old man came out of the car and moved towards the mansion. The mansion was Sharma mansion and the man was Sarthak Sharma.

He went inside and sat on the sofa adjacent to the sofa where Drishti was sitting with her friend Lavanya. She went in the kitchen and brought water for him and gave him. He drank the water and kept the glass on the table.

"You didn't do right by insulting Dhruv in this way!" Said Sarthak angrily.

"But dad, I really don't like him.", Said Drishti.

"Shut up! What's the problem in him? He is well educated, has a good family background, well settled and the most important he likes you! If he hadn't been good why would I choose him for you?", Asked her father furiously.

"Dad, I don't want to marry. I have got promotion to America and I want to do my master's degree also.", She tried to convince her dad.

"What do you think I will let you go so much far? Never! Once you go to village and see! Girls of your age have married and they have kids also. You said you study, do job and then get married and now you are talking about America.", Said her father in an angry tone.

"Uncle, I think I should leave now.", Said Lava.

"Lavanya, your parents are also seeing a boy for you na?", Asked her father to Lava.

"Yes uncle. They are finding a boy but till now haven't got anyone. They have also registered my name in matrimonial sites. Now I take a leave.", Said Lava.

"Bye beta, take care.", He said and again turned towards Drishti as soon as Lava left.

"See Drishti, your own friend has also registered her name in matrimonial sites and you are rejecting the one who himself came for you. Don't act oversmart, do as I say.", Saying so he left from there.

Rakshit's side

"Congratulations! You are the first one to complete your degree besides being in the jail!", Said the principal of the college where Rakshit had studied.

"Thank you sir!", Said Rakshit happily taking his certificate he started leaving from there.

"Rakshit, rather than wasting your time on love, focus on your career. You will really do good in your future.",said the principal.

"Sir, she is the only reason why I have completed my degree and I will never leave her.", Said Rakshit and went out. While going out of the college he was thinking about his moments with Divya.


Divya is climbing down the stairs happily with her marksheet in her hand while Rakshit is following her.

"Hey Rakshit! See I got 95%", Divya said happily showing her marksheet to him.

"Oh my god! Don't tell me now you will go to Delhi.", He said sadly.

"Yesss! I will go to Delhi! It is the best place for my career. I am very excited!", She shouted happily.

"But Divya, if you will go, I will die due to frustration. Please find a nearby college. Please na Divya, please!", Said Rakshit pleading her to stay.

"No Rakshit, I don't want to go in college instead I want to join a big University!", She said excitedly.

"But Divya you are only my world, I can't live without you for a second also and you are talking about two years!", He said trying to convince her.

"Come on, Rakshit!", She said.

"But what will I do here without you!?", He asked sadly.

"You will give exams and clear all your subjects, until then I will be back.", She said.

"What is this Rakshit? You are acting like a 5 year kid. Let her focus on her career. You encourage her rather than discourage.", Divya's best friend Dimple came and took Divya with her.

"Dimple Kamini", Rakshit said as she took Divya with her.

Flashback ends here.

Rakshit suddenly realises that he can contact Divya with the help of Dimple. He searched Dimple's number everywhere and atlast he found it at night. He called her  immediately as he got the number.

On the other side, Dimple who was sleeping with her husband woke up hearing her phone ringing. She picked up the call and went to the balcony of the bedroom.

"How are you kamini? I got to everything about you, you are happy with your husband!", Said Rakshit.

"Hey Rakshit! From where did you get my number?", Dimple asked.

"I am standing in front of your house!", Rakshit lied.

"Kamine!", She said while sitting on the couch there.

"Leave this all, you tell do you know where is Divya?", Rakshit said directly coming to the point.

"I don't know!", She replied.

"What do want that you alone only will enjoy the marriage and others will be bachelor forever! I am also a human being, I also have dreams about my wedding, tell na kamini.", He said.

"Aree! I really don't know! If I knew then also I won't have told you about her. You go there and create ruckus.", She said.

"Hey with whom are you talking at night?", Her husband asked her as he heard her voice.

"Nothing, mom had called me!", She lied.

"Oh! Lieing to your husband! Go tell me Divya address otherwise I have your husband's number also and you what I can do with it.", Said Rakshit smirking.

"Aree kamine! I know you can do anything for Divya. I am giving you her address but please don't do anything nonsense there.", She said and gave him Divya's address, cut the call and slept.


Merry Christmas ❤️❤️

I know I am late! Sorry!

Here's the next part!

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Lots of love,

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