Another Night

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She skipped to the car as Bakugo gave a silent prayer.

"You're so scary!", she joked. "If nothing put a scratch on your car after today, then I don't think anything will."

"Yeah, I guess it is a miracle nothing touched it.", Bakugo inspected.

She hopped into the (I just realized I never said what car it was. Um idek I guess it's a black new Mazda. I'm not car person srry yall) Mazda.

She turned on his seat warmers and made herself comfortable as she familiarized herself with a car.

"You sure made yourself at home.", he retorted.

"I have to put myself in Bakugo Katsuki's shoes! Besides you said you liked me so now I gotta be super careful.", she giggled.

Bakugo blinked at her boldness and gave a small laugh.

"I guess."

She turned on the car and looked in awe. She gave a little "woo" as she saw the Bluetooth connection on the car.

Along with her part-time job at the neighborhood supermarket, she'd also been receiving checks every now and then from doing some hero work. She'd been able to help her parents a little more and save up. So on Black Friday this year, she was able to get the hphone 16 rose gold. The 17 had just come out but that didn't matter to her. This was the coolest phone she ever had, and had never been up to date with any hphone ever.

She quickly connected her phone with the car and put on her favorite song, Mela! by Ryokuoushoku Shakai, her favorite Japanese band besides the solo artist Kenshi Yonezu. (Hate to be one of those writers to put songs in stories but yall the song will change u lol).

Bakugo was dumbfounded at how quickly she reversed and put the car in drive to get on main road. She was a pro driver and she knew it. She put on the GPS back to her house and began to bop to her song.

"Are you staying at my house tonight?", he asked.

She swerved slightly but got back on track in no time.

"You can't ask me questions like that when I'm about to turn onto the freeway!", she squeaked.

"My bad.", Bakugo said exhaling.

"I was going to go with you anyway", she mumbled. "You might need help since your arm won't be at 100% till tomorrow."

"You were just gonna infiltrate my house?"

"Did you not just ask me to come over?", she said blushing.

Bakugo paused and slouched under his rather tight seatbelt. She giggled and turned up the song.

"This is my favorite part!", she said squirming in her seat. "ima nan janai? meramera to taguri.."

She began to sing along with the voice in the car and Bakugo noticed how good she actually was. He did a double take as her voice melted in with the music perfectly. He had remembered hearing the song on the radio and knew that a long belt was about to come. As soon as that part came up he turned down the volume to where he voice was louder than the radio.

"I didn't know you could sing.", he said with a surprised smile.

She cackled and began to merge into the right lane.

"You should see Mina and I at karaoke bars. I mostly listen to American songs to help practice my English, but this song gives me car vibes so I had to."

"You should've sung with Jiro at the concert that year, you guys would've sounded great."

"Wow, Bakugo giving a compliment. Maybe I should randomly start sharing my secrets so I can earn such praise."

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