{139} the past

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I know my posts have not been consistent as this is a stressful time in my personal life but, I wanted to just give you an update on this poetry book. The last chapter will be Chapter 156 Our Summer : My Truth. To catch up, over the next 2 weeks of December, I will essentially be spamming you all with updates. I hope you will enjoy what essentially is the ending of this book!!!

I keep looking,

looking for a connection to the past;

Holding onto what didn't last.  

My heart tethering me to what I lost, 

no matter what the cost, 

the past grabs onto me like a cast, 

molding me, shaping me in ways I never asked. 

When she's done, I hold on, 

afraid to let go and see what I have become. 


I think this poem is a bridge between the beginning of this book and the end. I started this book when I was in a dark place and lowkey I wonder if I am going back to that place. But still after all these years, my past still defines me and I still define myself by my past. It's a funny thing to see yourself grow and change and still essentially be the same. I'm not sure if I am making sense but nonetheless I hope you enjoyed the poem! And I hope you all are enjoying the end of the year!

~ Have you ever recorded yourself crying?

I have LMAO

and thanks to Twitter, I learned I am not the only one who has done that!

Have a great day!


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