{80} MLK

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Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day! May his soul rest his peace and his legacy live on.

As I sit here on vacation I look at my mother watching the news. I'll never understand the fastination at looking at all the evil in the world. I'm a strong believer of never watching the news and only staying on social media for short periods of time. I know how fragile my mental health is and I know how damaged my soul is so I don't push my limits. But sitting here on the third Monday of the decade I wonder what are we doing to carry on the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. What are we doing to help end injustice? What am I doing?

Too often I look on social media and everyone is making grand geatures to help end human suffering. And I truly, truly am thankful for everyone who does a kind gesture big or small because it makes the world go round. But I want you all to remember sometimes doing doesn't require much. Sometimes it means helping the old lady cross the street or helping the young boy get his ball. I know the year only just started but I see and feel the negativity rolling in. It's up to us, all of us to make each and every day count.

But before we help others I want each of us to look inside of ourselves. What do you want for your life this year? What do you want for your life this month? What do you want for your life this decade? I don't believe in always planning for the next big milestone but I believe in having goals. Dream big. You can make a difference. And sometimes that doesn't always have to be in someone else's in life. Sometimes it can be in your own. ❤

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. Lol no but seriously I wish for pure joy happiness, and growth for each and everyone of us this year and forever onward.

~ Have you ever been frustrated with the world?



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