New years eve

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The girls had asked their friends to come over for a small dinner/ party. It's been a couple of days and Ruby is feeling better. She's worked from home the last couple of days. Blake giving rides to Weiss. Ruby was blushing at Weiss who just kissed her in front of new friends. "Ruby you remember my friend Coco and I think you know this young lady." Weiss says.

Ruby looked over at Velvet and smiled big. She hugged her old friend/ girlfriend. "It's been to long." Ruby says. Velvet gives her the gift box. "Oh I have something for you to just need a minute to get it." Ruby says putting the gift down and going to they're room. She was walking slowly back to Velvet with an old camera. Velvet's face lights up.

"I thought I lost it but you had it all this time?" Velvet asked taking the camera from Ruby. Ruby smiled softly at her.

"Yes and it works now. I fixed it years ago" Ruby says. Velvet hugged her again.

"So do you ladies want to play a game?" Yang asked. Coco and Velvet say yes. They all go to the kitchen table.

"Anyone want an eggnog?"Blake asked.

"Doe's it have rum in it?" Coco asked.

"No but I can add some if you like?" Blake says.

"Oh no just normal is good." Coco says.

Ruby had opened her gift from Velvet and was now waring the sweater. Weiss smiled at Velvet. They all took turns talking about things they did in University. Coco and Yang hit it off laughing at each other jokes. Velvet and Weiss are both hitting it off. Velvet showed her some pictures of them back in high school. Ruby was blushing. They finished the first board game and then decided to go back to the living room. Ruby puts some music on and asked Weiss to dance with her. The other couples joined in. Ren and Nora show up with Juane and Pyrrha. Weiss introduce everyone to her friends Coco and Velvet. Nora had a big smile on her face when meeting Velvet. "Oh cute bunny girl can I pet your ears?" Nora asked. Velvet didn't say anything. Nora was already petting her ears.

"Nora leave Velvets ears alone. Come over here they got snacks." Ren says. Nora runs over to the table with the snacks.

"Oh wow they have all my favourite ones." Nora jumped up and down. Ruby smiled at this.

"That's normally me and Nora. Jumping with Excitement. But I can't do that right now." Ruby says looking a little sad.

"Now long are you going to be hurt?" Velvet asked.

"Oh months that's why she's pouting." Weiss says teasing her. Ruby looked over at her sticking her tongue out. Weiss giggles. The other girls laughed. Everyone was happy. The music was played but not to loud. Some of them are drinking. So Yang took keys away from them. Weiss hugged Yang because of this.

"So ice queen do you have a New Year's resolution? Yang asked.

"No not yet, how about you blonde bimbo" Weiss says Yang laughed at her. Weiss looked upset. Ruby looked at Weiss and then hugged her. She took the huge but didn't look happy.

"Snowflake don't let her get to you." Ruby says. Weiss nodded yes softly then goes back to having fun with the other. Weiss asked Blake to dance with her to bug Yang a little. It works, Yang cut in and said softly to Blake.

"Your with me thank you." Blake rolled her eyes at her. Then smiled at Weiss. Weiss goes over to Pyrrha.

"Thanks for coming Ruby and I really wanted you here!" Weiss says.

"Well I'm just happy Jaune finally told me about the party and that we where asked to come. I was going to ask Ren and Nora to come over for games. But you bite me to it." Pyrrha says. Weiss smiles at her.

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