The video

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It's been a couple of months and Ruby was looking for something nice to wear. Her and Weiss are getting married soon so they need to do the invitations. Weiss was already dressed in a white sun dress. Ruby looked over at her and smiled softly. Ruby gets a black dress shirt on Weiss looked at her funny and takes out a red Vest and hands it to her with a smile. Ruby was blushing softly as she puts it on. "That's more like it." Weiss says softly. Ruby looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. They go out to the living room where Velvet was setting up. Velvet looked up at them and smiled. "Ok stand in front of the Canvas and we will try different settings or standing poses." the young couple do as asked. Velvet takes different pictures of them together. After she showed them to Weiss. As Weiss looked though them Ruby was thanking Velvet for doing this for them.

"No problem, but aren't you ladies getting married in a couple of months?" Velvet asked.

"Yes, but most of our friends and family know the date already this just makes it more official. You are still coming right?" Ruby asked

"Oh, yes with my camera." Velvet answers

"Oh right but don't work all the time making sure you have fun to." Ruby says.

"I think this is my favourite one, what do you think Sweetie?" Weiss asked showing her a picture of them standing and facing each other. Weiss was playing with Ruby's hair. Ruby was holding her close. Ruby smiled at Weiss. "Ok." Is all she says. Weiss showed Velvet the picture.

"Oh I like this one to

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"Oh I like this one to." Velvet says.

Ruby looked at it again. "I think it ok, but I wish you pick one that showed your beautiful face more." Ruby says.

Weiss smiles at her. "I think this one shows how much I love you. And how much you love me." Weiss says kissing her lips.

"Ok as you wish." Ruby says softly. They helped Velvet clean up and say goodbye to her, then they go and change clothes to something more comfortable. Ruby stopped and looked at her desk for a minute. Weiss looked at Ruby. Weiss can tell something is up. Ruby picked up the video and looked at Weiss. Who just nodded softly at her. Ruby puts the tape in the player. Ruby takes Weiss's hand in hers. They sit down together and Ruby played the video.

Summer Rose is looking at the camera and smiling. Weiss looked at Ruby face. Ruby cry's a little looking at her moms face. They look a lot alike that's the first thing Weiss noticed. The silver eyes are the next thing she notices. Weiss holds Ruby close as Summer starter to talk. "Hi my love it's probably be to long sense you have seen my face. I hope it's not to much for you and that you are watching this with your special someone. If not you should pause the tape and go get her." Ruby looked at Weiss hugged her a little bit tighter. "Ok hi there I'm Summer Rose Ruby's mom, I have been died for probably years now. But that's didn't stop me from loving Ruby and Yang so much that I made this video for them. First off congratulations on your wedding day. Uncle Qrow should of gave you this video for the special day. I asked him this favour a long time ago. Your probably asked your self why I did that. It's kind of selfish of me but I wanted to be there on the big day to. Sorry my little rose." Summer takes a minute. She was crying. "Anyway to the women you love, please take care of my Rose petal and watch out for Yang to if you know her. I'm pretty sure they stuck together. But Yang sometimes pulls away from the ones she loves and Ruby smiles even though she is sad. Here I am giving you family secrets." Summer giggles at herself. "But you are family now who ever you are. Hope you and my Rose have a family of your own one day. I wish you and her all the happiness in the world. Because that's how I feel about my girls. They gave me the world." Summer says with a big smile. "To my Rose on her big day. Never stop being your self, and I love you Rose petal. Sorry if this was to much. Take care of your family that means Yang to. To firecracker too I hope you have a good life. Yang didn't over do it taking care of Ruby. She is a woman now. Both of you girls mean the world to me I wish I didn't get sick and I could be there for you. I will watch over you from wherever I end up. With all my love your mom says goodbye to you one more time in person. Well close enough. Love you both. The tape ended. Ruby and Weiss are both crying and holding each other close. Ruby lays down taking Weiss with her. They cuddle for a while.

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