Li's first birthday

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It's been a year and Li is one year old now the family is having cake and gifts for her. Weiss is now 4 months pregnant with their first child. A couple of months ago she won an award for best new Artist. Everyone was proud of her.

Back to Li's birthday party the family was singing to her. Blake helped blow out the candle. Yang cut up the cake giving the first peace to her one year old. Who was eating with her hands. Everyone laughed when she put a Fist full of cake in her mouth. Now that the other are laughing so is Li. Ruby was filming it all. Blake's parents are in town visiting with the family. They are staying in the gust room upstairs. They are both happy grandparents.

"So honey are you planning on having more baby's in the future?" Blake's mom ask.

"I don't think so I have my hands full with this one, but everyone does help out. So I will think about it and talk it over with Yang." Blake answers. Yang was down stairs at the moment getting clean clothes for Li.

"Well you were an only child and you turn out great. So I guess it will be ok." Blake mom says.

"Oh but we will have Weiss's baby here don't forget. So Li will have some one to play with." Blake answers.

"Oh yes having a other child around will be nice for Li." Blake's mom answers.

"I for one can't wait to see my baby girl." Ruby says out of no ware.

"How do you know it's a girl it could be a boy." Yang asked when she walked in the room.

Ruby takes out her phone to show the Ultrasound picture of their baby. "You see no boy parts." Ruby says

"That's still doesn't mean it a girl. It could be hiding the boy parts." Yang says back.

"NoPe it's a girl I just know it in my heart." Ruby says popping the p.

"And what does your wife say about this." Blake asked.

"Oh she trust me so she is picking out girls names." Ruby answers

"Oh that's nice, I think you should have a boys name picked out to just in case." Yang says.

"Oh that's not a problem Weiss wants to name the boy Ruben after me I guess. I agree because I know it's a girl. Oh our little girls middle name is going to be Summer bye the way. Hope you're not mad at us for doing that?" Ruby asked.

"Oh no not at all. Yang and I did talk about naming the baby Summer at first. But then Yang said she wanted me to come up with a name that no one has. That way no hard feelings for anyone." Blake answers.

"Oh we talked about it to but Weiss said she likes Summer as a middle name. I love my wife. She is the best. Not that you are not great Blake, but I just love Weiss more." Ruby says.

Weiss was blushing and trying to hide it. They opened gifts for the one year olds birthday. She got a little bit of everything. Clothes, books, toys. Her first game were you learn your colour. "Oh she likes my gift, I'm so happy it took me a while to get it to work properly." Ruby says watching Li play with the colour game.

"Ruby is that what you did with the music you got me to do for you?" Weiss asked. The game was making music sounds when she hit the right colour.

"You made this game for Li?" Blake and Yang asked.

"Oh yes I wanted something she can learn from plus have fun with." Ruby answers. Yang and Blake hugged her.

"That's so nice of you. I can't believe you made this cool game?" Yang says

"It's no harder then making an arm or a leg once I had the idea, it was no problem but I did have to make it safe for her to use of course. Oh you can turn the music of if it gets to be to much. But it will still light up the colour if she hits the right one." Ruby explains.

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