The ride home

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Weiss and Winter are on the airship going back home. Weiss keep looking at her phone waiting for Blake to tell her Ruby is out of surgery and doing ok.

"Weiss you should have a nap we have the time, once we get home and to the hospital you not going to sleep." Winter says softly.

"I can't I need to know Ruby is ok." Weiss answers. It been an hour since Blake told her what happened. She was really tired. Winter didn't tell Weiss about Ruby until they where in the green room after the show. Weiss broke down thinking the worst. Then Blake calls to say sorry to her. She was physically and mentally tried. She didn't know how she was awake right now.

It's been 10 minutes since she looked at her phone again. But this time it was going off.

"Hello." Weiss answers she didn't see who was calling.

"Hello Weiss it's Robin, I was just calling to see if you are ok? I was told you broke down in the green room after the show." Robin asked.

"Oh Robin, I'm sorry but it's Ruby she had the baby early and now having emergency surgery. I didn't think about until now I didn't even stop for the fans afterwards. Winter and I just took off to the airship going home. I'm really sorry." Weiss apologized.

"Oh and is Ruby ok now?" Robin asked

"I don't know I'm waiting on news from home. I just know that they are trying to save her life."
Weiss answers.

"It's ok Weiss, I will explain you had a family emergency. Just take care of your Wife. Oh what about the baby is it ok?" Robin asked

"Oh yes Ruby gave brith to a baby girl she looks like Ruby. We are naming her Bella Willow Rose." Weiss answers.

"Oh I happy to hear one of them is safe. Please call me if you need anything." Robin says

"Ok just let my fans know I'm sorry." When everything calms down I will go and write to them my self. Or I could do it now I guess the airship is going to be a couple of hours." Weiss says

"No, no it's ok I got this just worried about your wife." Robin answers her.

"Ok thanks Robin. Oh my phone is going off again I better see if it about Ruby take care." Weiss ended the call with Robin and answered it again Hoping it Blake. Lucky for her it was.

"Hello." Weiss answers

"Weiss Ruby is out of surgery now they have given her lost of blood to make her stable the surgery helped with stopping the bleeding so that's good news. Yang is staying home with the kids she has me on speed dial in case she goes in to Labour to. Bella and I are now looking at Ruby Dr Ozpen says it will be a while until she wakes up. I know Ruby wanted to breast feed the baby so should I get the nurse to pump her breast for milk or just give Bella regular milk?" Blake asked.

"Oh I know it's awkward but can you ask the nurses about the breast pump thing. Ruby mite be upset if we give Bella regular milk." Weiss answers

"Oh thank you again for everything We should be there in an hour. Qrow and Wyatt are picking us up from the airship and bring us to the hospital." Weiss says.

"Oh it's no problem you are my little sister and that what family's do. Get here safe is all I ask I can't take anymore bad stuff." Blake answers.

"Right see you in an hour or so." Weiss says. They ended the call. Weiss leaned her head on Winter shoulder and cleaned her eyes. The next thing she knows is Qrow is carrying her to the car. Weiss just opened her eyes when he puts her in the car. She jumped up and looked around.

"Oh you are awake?" Winter asked. She was putting Wyatt in the car.

Weiss nodded yes. Wyatt says hi to her, Weiss says hi back. Qrow and Winter get in the car. Qrow puts the sirens on and gets them to the hospital in no time Wyatt was giggling the hole time. Weiss now know where Yang gets her driving crazy fast from. Now and the hospital the family goes to Ruby's room. Ruby looked pale but everything else looked good for a hospital room. Blake hugged Weiss with the baby girl still in her arms. Weiss takes Bella who is small but she was born early.

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