Weiss is home

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After the two months away doing the concert tour. Weiss is finally home. Winter just dropped her off, watching her go inside and going home to her husband. Weiss was shocked that no one was home to meet her. She called Her wife to find out we're they are.

"Oh hello my love are you back in town now?" Ruby asked

"Yes, I just got home but no one is here. What happened to you all?" Weiss asked.

"Oh I'm Sorry about that but Blake went in to Labour as we were waiting for you, Yang was to in shock to drive them to the hospital so I took them. I will be back home in a couple minutes. I was hoping to bet you home but that didn't work out." Ruby explains.

"Oh is Blake ok?" Weiss asked.

"I think so, I had to come back home for you so I not sure how things are going." Ruby answers

"Ok drive safe I will be waiting for you bye the front door." Weiss says

Couple minutes later Ruby pulled in to the gate to open it. Weiss was waiting outside at the front door. Ruby pulled up in front of her and jumped out of the jeep to hug her wife. They hugged and kissed for a minute. "We should go back to the hospital. Our family needs us." Weiss says softly. Ruby nodded yes she opens the door for Weiss, closed the door running around to the drive side to get in. Ruby looked over at Weiss and smiled. "I'm really sorry for not being home for you." Ruby apologized again. Weiss leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

"It's ok it not like you for got or something, you just needed to help Blake first. This is exciting we will have a baby in the house soon." Weiss answers.

"Oh that's right I did forget the baby's car seat I will be right back." Ruby says then jumped out of the jeep to go get the baby's car seat. When she comes back with it she takes the time to add it to her jeep middle seat. "I'm so happy you talk me into this jeep snowflake. Because Yang's car is to hard to get the baby's car seat in. I tried yesterday." Ruby tells her as she worked.

"Oh really, it's a good thing you listened to me then." Weiss answers smiling. Ruby had finished so she goes back to the drives side getting in to take them back to the hospital.

"So Blake said if it's a girl she will name her Li." Ruby tells Weiss.

"Oh and if it's a boy?" Weiss asked.

"Yang is to pick the name." Ruby answers

"Oh and does she have one pick out?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know, she didn't tell us." Ruby explains. They find a parking spot pay for the day. They go inside the hospital to find the bumblebee couple. They find the room but they wait out side. Lucky their was chair's just next to the door. Weiss takes Ruby's hand and they go sit down. They talked about Weiss's concert tour finally being done. Ruby was so happy to have her wife back in the same city. They also talked about going to the DNA dr to have a baby of their own. Weiss cuddle up with Ruby. She was tried from the trip so she closed her eyes. Ruby puts her arm around her now sleeping wife. It was hours later when Ruby hears a baby cry from the room Blake was in.

Ruby gently wakes up her wife. Weiss opens her eyes and smiled. "Is the baby here?" Weiss asked. Ruby nodded yes. They get up and knock on the door. Yang opened the door "Ruby its a girl!" Yang says excitedly. She hugged Weiss hello and tells them to come in.

The Dr had looked over the baby and hands her to Blake. "Your baby is going great. I will come and check on you two tomorrow if the baby is feeding ok then you can go home." The dr tells Blake. Then leaves the room. Blake is holding the baby girl in her arms. The baby has Blake hair and cat ears. When the Rose couple get closer they see the baby has Yang eye colour. "Oh she so perfect." Weiss says in a whisper. Blake nodded yes at her. Ruby and Weiss sit down next to bed. They visit with the new mom's.

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