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The young couple and Pyrrha meet up with each other at Yang's place. Thank goodness Yang was at work today. Blake works from home so she was there. But she didn't say anything to the new couple.

"So you are going to sue your father for firing you I hope?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yes I can do that right? He only fired me because I'm gay." Weiss asked.

"Yes but it might take a while to do it. Do you have the money to do this?" Pyrrha asked.

"I have money in my savings account to pay you if that's what you mean." Weiss says.

"Oh no Weiss I will just take 5% of what you win. I just want to make sure you're ok until then." Pyrrha answers.

"Well I have Ruby and you on my side so yeah I'm good." Weiss says smiling at them.

They talked about the lawsuit for a while as Ruby made food for them. They stopped to eat. Then talked some more. Ruby was unpacking Weiss clothes in her room as Weiss and Pyrrha talked. They finish up and Pyrrha says goodbye to them.

"Weiss this is not how I wanted to live with you but I will take it. Sorry about your job at the family company. Losing your job sucks." Ruby says. Weiss goes over to Ruby and kissed her lips gently and deeply. They melt in to each other. Ruby pulled away for air. "I love you princess." Ruby says.

"Dolt don't call me that." Weiss says blushing.

"I know you like it, so why not?" Ruby whispers in to Weiss ear.

"No I don't." Weiss says trying to be mad.

"Then why are you blushing then, when I call you that?" Ruby asked.

"I... did ..not!" Weiss says stuttering.

"Ok snowflake if you say so." Ruby says giggling. Do you want to check out where I put your clothes I moved mine to the back of the closet. So you can have the front. I organized it by colour. Just like mine." Ruby says. Weiss kissed her again.

"No that's fine sweetheart. Thanks for doing that." Weiss answers her.

"Your welcome. Do you want to lay down for a nap with me? We didn't get much sleep last night."

"Oh yes that sounds good to me." Weiss answers. They go back to bed and cuddle up with each other and fall asleep. Yang wake's them up when she gets home. Just bye being loud. Ruby looked at Weiss.

"Sorry about Yang she really loud sometimes." Ruby apologized.

"It's ok I will have to get used to it." Weiss says.

They get up and go to the living room to join the others. Weiss looked at her phone and she missed Two calls. She listened to the message. The first one was her big sister Winter.

- congratulations little sister, I'm proud of you for standing up to father. If you need anything just call me.-

- Hello Miss Schnee I like to talk to you about the upcoming charity concert, will you be singing again this year? If you like to, that be great I look forward to seeing you again. Please call me back at this number. #********. Thanks-

"Weiss do you want to odder in with us or I can make something instead!" Blake asked.

"Oh we can odder in if you like I will pay for it as a thank you for letting me stay here." Weiss answers.

"No we always pay for ourselves to make it fare." Ruby says.

"Oh I see, ok as you wish." Weiss answers back. "Oh but I don't have any cash on me." Weiss added.

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