Wedding day

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Ruby was up at 10 am making coffee for her Uncle Qrow and Yang and tea for Blake. Blake comes out of the bed room with a smile on her face. "Good morning Ruby thanks for making coffee and tea." Blake says

"Oh no problem. How is Yang doing this morning?" Ruby asked

"Oh she over did it last night with the drinks but I don't feel sorry for her. Not to worry you but it's not going to be easy to get her up." Blake answers.

Ruby looked worried now. She also had her Uncle Qrow to take care of. Taking him a big coffee mug. "Uncle Qrow its time to get up." Ruby says going in the gust room. Qrow looked over at her. Then he realized he was not at home. He got his phone to call Winter.

"Oh Good morning my beautiful queen, I'm sorry for not coming home and having to much to drink." Qrow says softly.

"Good morning. Your lucky you're niece texted me last night to tell me you are ok. But I need you here by noon at least. We have to make sure everything at the park is seat up in time for the wedding." Winter answers.

"Ok I'll just have some coffee and be on my way home soon." Qrow says.

"Oh you have time for breakfast with your nieces. She did take care of you last night." Winter says. Qrow smiled at Ruby.

"Ok I will stay for breakfast then come home, see you soon." Qrow says goodbye to her. He takes the coffee from Ruby and messed up her hair. "Thanks kiddo for looking out for me." He says softly. Ruby hugged him and leaves the room so he can clean himself up.

Blake had Yang out of bed and in the kitchen eating breakfast. Ruby smiled at Blake. She sits down next to Yang and eats her breakfast.

They all finished and Qrow says goodbye to them for now. He's off to get Winter then go to the park. Winter and Qrow are taking care of everything. Weiss had given them note's on everything she planned out. Later Ruby and Yang showed up to help. Each had a job to do. Weiss , Coco and Velvet are getting their hair and makeup done for the big day.

"So Weiss are you excited about this? Your going to be a Rose soon." Coco asked. Weiss looked up at her friend and smiled really big.

"I can't wait. This is going to be one off the best days off my life." Weiss answers. Coco smiled at her. They finished up and there's a limo waiting for her and Coco. Velvet also was with them. They arrive at the park Velvet go's first so she can take pictures. Winter meets Weiss at limo.

"Everything and everyone is ready to go, we just have one small problem." Winter says to Weiss as she gets out of the limo.

"Ok can you take care of it or do you need me?" Weiss asked. Winter looked at her.

"Will the thing is we have a gust that I don't think would come. I didn't know you even gave her an invitation. She didn't respond to the invitation so I didn't inspect her to show up." Winter says softly.

Weiss was now curious who this person was. "Well if I gave her an invitation then I don't see the problem." Weiss answers as they walked together to the flower garden.

"Ok if you say so, but I will be keeping my eyes on her. If she does anything to ruin your day I will kick her out" Winter says. Everything was ready all the gust are standing up waiting for the music to start. Ruby was waiting for her at the end of the Ill. Weiss can just see her and her big goofy smile. So she smiled back. The music started and Coco goes down the ill first. Then Winter walked Weiss down the ill.

"Who gives this woman away to this Woman? The judge asked.

"I do." Winter says handing Weiss's hand to Ruby. With a big smile. She goes and sits down next to Qrow. They both smiled. Ruby looked at Weiss's beautiful face.

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