The Talk

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Weiss and Ruby are on the way to the Neon Kitty show. Blake and Yang are taking care of Mai. The couple are going though security. Neon welcomes them to the show "oh I do everything live bye the way so you are on camera now" Neon says.

"Will thank you for having us Neon." Weiss answers back. They all go sit down.

"Thank you both for coming. I have questions for you and your wife. First of what's your name?" Neon asked Ruby

"Oh for our family's safety you can call me Red Rose." Ruby answers

"Ok I get that, as you seen I have security working around here for my safety. And I like it Red and White. It sure does suit you too. So Red let's get the hard question over with." Neon says.

"Ok go ahead." Ruby answers.

"So the scars are from an car accident is that right?" Neon asked.

"Yes, I also lost my right hand." Ruby says showing her. She was shocked but they moved on.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I asked you to bring a picture of your self before the scars did you do that?" Ruby pulls out a picture of Weiss and her. Hands it to Neon who smiled at her. "Oh thank you do you mind if I share this with everyone?" Neon asked

"No not at all. We had this picture done for our wedding in the invitations well it one of many that we can pick from, thanks to our friend Velvet." Ruby answers

"Well it is very lovely thank you for sharing it with us. Ok so my next question is was it love at first site?" Neon asked.

Ruby looked at Weiss for a moment. Then back at Neon. "Will I like to say yes but the truth is White was mad at me for bumping into her bags and knocking them over. You see we both just got to University." Ruby answers

"Oh so you have known each other for some time then?" Neon asked

"Yes 7 years in all." Weiss answers

"So White did you fall in love with Red first or was it the other way around."

"Well I knew I loved Red in the last year of university but with being best friends I didn't want to lose her if she didn't feel the same. It's was a year later when Red told me she loved me too. So for Christmas of that year I asked her to marry me." Weiss answers

"But we got married on the someday we meet." Red says quickly.

"Oh that's a little romantic. Who is the most romantic?" Neon asked. They both pointed at each other. This made Neon giggle. "I see it a tie then." Neon says Neon takes a minute to look at some notes. "Sorry I didn't remember all the question I have. That's why I made notes. Thanks for waiting. So my next question is. White you had told us this before but I'm a little curious on what you mean by this. That if it wasn't for Red you wouldn't be singing.

"Well I did do some singing before at charity concerts for my family company but when my father fond out I was in love with Red he fired me and kicked me out of the family house. Lucky for me Red and her family took me in. But as I was saying my father made singing like a job so I didn't love it like I used to. Red and her family took me out singing one night and I had so much fun and loved to sing again. Then I meet Robin hill who asked me to come sing for them at the Music Studio. Red is one of the people that told me I should go for it. After her and my big sister encouragement I went in and sing my heart out and we all know how that turned out." Weiss explains.

"I was told that you wrote all the songs on the first CD and most of the songs on the other one is this true?" Neon asked.

"Yes, there's 4 songs that I didn't write but the rest of them are from my life experiences. Like the song that is number two right now comes from texts between my wife and I when I was on the concert tour. I turned it in to a love song for her." Weiss answers

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