Father's mistake

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Ruby was at work even though she is hurting. Weiss was working at Coco store. Helping the young lady with bunny ears. "I'm sorry I don't think that's your colour." Weiss says as the young lady picked up a red Sweater.

"Oh it's not for me it's for an old friend of mine. You know her actually." The young Faunus says. Weiss looked confused.

"Oh the only person I know who loves Red is Ruby." Weiss says.

"Yes. Ruby Rose my high school friend/girlfriend." The bunny girl says.

"Oh your Velvet. Does Ruby know your back in town and bye her a gift?" Weiss asked.

"No it's a surprise you see I'm Coco's girlfriend now and you said you wanted a double date. Is this to weird for you now? When I told Coco I use to Date Ruby she was a little upset at first to. But I told her we never even kissed each other. Well on the lips anyway. We were both young and liked the idea of having a girlfriend. But we are more like best friends then anything. I had to move away because of my dads work. I broke up with her before that." Velvet says.

"Yes, it's a little weird your bye her a gift after not seeing her for so long. I know about the kissing the cheek thing. I didn't think you were the same Velvet when I asked Coco to a double date." Weiss answers back.

"Did you not what to do it now? I was hoping to see Ruby again. She is one of the best friends you could ever ask for And I miss that." Velvet asked.

"How does Coco feel about this?" Weiss asked.

"Like I said she was a little upset at first but I told her she has nothing to worry about I love her now. Ruby is with you now so it's all good I hope. You and Coco are old friends should I be worried about that." Velvet asked. Weiss looked at her.

"No. Like you said I'm with Ruby now. But Coco and I never kissed each other. Just a hug some time." Weiss answers.

"Yeah I know that. I'm sorry about kissing Ruby. I hope we can still be friends." Velvet asked.

"I think it will be nice to have a new friend. But no kissing please." Weiss says smiling.

"Thank you Weiss. I promise Coco the same thing, no kissing. Is the gifts ok?" Velvet asked.

"Oh if you like to get her a sweater this one over there is better. She will like it more." Weiss answers her.

Weiss walked over to the other red sweater that not as fancy looking. "If she doesn't like it I will pay you back for it." Weiss says.

Velvet smiled at her. They go to pay for it. Velvet thanked Weiss and they made a date plan.

Weiss was on her lunch break so she looked at her phone. She had missed calls from Winter.
The first message "Weiss I just heard from my friend that Ruby was attacked this morning is she ok? are you ok? Call me please.

The next message "Weiss I'm going to look in to this with Qrow's help. He just told me that Ruby is his niece what are the chances."

The last message "Ruby shouldn't be at Work but she is being pigheaded about it. Maybe you can talk to her about it. Did she tell you that she has cracked ribs? And bruises all over her body? Just thought you should know."

Weiss was upset with Ruby now. Weiss call's Ruby.

"Hello snowflake what up?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby Rose doesn't you what's up me. Why does my sister know that you have cracked ribs and bruises all over over your body? You promise me that you where ok." Weiss says crying.

"I don't know how she found out. But I'm ok I promise it's hurting a little bit but I'm ok. Please don't cry." Ruby asked.

Weiss cryed a little while. "You better not be lying to me." Weiss says.

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