concert tour started. 

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Time had pass bye fast for Weiss. Before she new it she was off to the next city. Winter was bye her side. Weiss find out that she will be going from city to city for Two months straight. So Ruby and her planed out to meet at two of the city's during the tour. Ruby and Qrow booked the time off to be with their wife's.

Ruby And Qrow are says goodbye to them right now. "Please be safe and text me when you get all settled in. I don't care what time it is." Ruby tells Weiss as they hugged goodbye.

"Yeah that goes for me to." Qrow says hugging Winter. They both kissed their wife's with love. Winter and Weiss get on the airship. Waved goodbye one last time. "That was harder then I thought it would be." Weiss says to Winter.

"Well we did just marry them not to long ago so we didn't get much time with them like we planed." Winter answered.

"Oh I'm sorry about that I know it's bad timing.  But Robin said they need me to be out there right now because of the CD being so popular." Weiss explains.

"It's ok Weiss, I plan on spending the rest of my life with Qrow and I not dying any time soon. It's only Two month I think it will be ok." Winter says.

"Will it's only two and a haft weeks because they are meeting us." Weiss answers back smiling. As they where talking they had taken some seat together. Weiss was bye the windows.

"Your right and time will go bye fast so it won't feel to bad." Winter says. The airship only took Two hours to get to the next city. Robin had booked them a hotel room. They get a cap to the hotel. They checked in. Go to their room and odder in dinner. Weiss payed for it with a tip. They eat dinner. Get ready for bed. Weiss gets in bed and texted Ruby. - Hi sweetie we are all settled in for the night. I found your gift for me so thank you for doing that. Love you very much your loving Wife Weiss-

- Oh you are more then welcome, I thought you like to wear my pj to feel a little bit closer to me. It will be like I'm hugging you in your sleep. ;) -

-Oh and I love you too!!-

- Yes, I do feel a little bit closer to you wearing them. Thank you again- Weiss

- It no problem my loving wife. I'm in bed not warring anything. ;) but I'm hugging your pillow to death.- Ruby

- Oh now I'm going to sleep thinking about you naked. Thank for that :( -

- he he. Don't dream to loudly you are sharing a room with Winter- Ruby

-Ruby Rose your a big Dolt! But I love you, have a good night sleep talk to you tomorrow night.- Weiss

-ok good night my love, talk to you tomorrow-

Weiss says good night to Winter then hugged herself in the blanket and fall asleep. She did have a dream about Ruby. But it was not a sex dream. They wake up to the phone ringing in the room. Weiss got up and answered it.

"Good morning Mrs. Rose, I was asked to wake up you so you can have breakfast before you go go down to the concert hall. Would you like room Service to bring you something or do you want to eat in our family restaurant?" The lady on the phone asked.

"Oh I think room service will be a little safer for me, thank you for calling. I will call down for breakfast in a couple of minutes if you don't mind?" Weiss answers.

"Oh yes that's fine their should be a menu for the room service bye the phone. For when you're ready to odder. Oh and Thank you for staying with us I hope you have a great day." The lady answered. Weiss ended the call. She looked at the menu. Then hands it to Winter.

"Do you want to odder in breakfast while I have a quick shower?" Weiss asked.

"Ok I can do that, what do you want to eat?" Winter asked back. She was looking at the menu.

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