Going home

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It feels like days waiting to see her wife again. But it was just two hours when the nurse comes to get the family. Weiss cryed when she sees Ruby in the hospital bed with all the different things around her. She goes to Ruby left side and takes her hand in hers. Gently rubbing her thumb over Ruby hand. She moved some of Ruby's hair out of her face. She had bandages all over her right side. Weiss looked at Yang and Blake with a small smile. Yang and Blake take a sit next to the right side of Ruby's bed. Weiss sits down next to Ruby.

After an hour Weiss's and Blake's stomachs are making noise loudly. Yang giggled and gets up "Ok we should get something to eat." Yang says. Blake gets up to.

"Yes I'm hungry. Weiss what do you want to eat?" Blake asked

"Oh it's doesn't matter anything is good for me. But will you get some cookies for Ruby please." Weiss answers back with a smile.

Yang and Blake nodded yes and leave the room. 20 minutes later Ruby was moving a little and opening her one eye. Weiss smiles at her and goes for a kiss. Ruby was blushing and was in shocked at this woman kissing her lips. Weiss sees her shock face. "What wrong my love are you in pain do you need me to get the Dr for you?" Weiss asked.

Ruby looked in to her eyes for a minute. Then it all comes back to her. "Weiss is that you?" Ruby asked softly. Weiss looked at Ruby face.

"Yes, it's me you dolt." Weiss answers squeeze her hand a little. Ruby goes to move her right hand but nothing happened she looked down at her elbow that was all bandaged up. Then Ruby noticed the other bandages. She looked up at Weiss.

"What happened to me and why is my hand gone?" Ruby asked

"You where in an bad car accident you're lucky to be with us still. I'm sorry they had to take your hand away." Weiss says softly.

Ruby looked at Weiss crying face. "Oh it's ok Weiss don't cry, I'm ok right so you don't have to worry." Ruby says squeeze her hand with her left hand. Weiss looked into Ruby's eye. She nodded softly at her. Weiss gets into the bed next to Ruby and kissed lips softly again. Ruby holds Weiss close with her left arm. They are just holding each other close. When Yang and Blake come back with food Yang drops it when she see's Ruby looked at her.

"Ruby!" Yang call's out running to hug her. Ruby yelped in pain making Yang stop and jump back. "Sorry sis." Yang says softly. Ruby looked up at her with a smile.

"That's ok just be more careful next time." Ruby says softly. Blake comes over with all the food Yang just dropped on the floor. Lucky it was all still ok to eat. Ruby smiled at Blake.

"Do I smell cookies?" Ruby asked with a giggle. Blake nodded yes and hands Weiss the cookies. Weiss thanks her. Opens the box and she feeds Ruby some cookies. Ruby was blushing and smiling at Weiss. The other girls just smiled and sit down to eat. Weiss didn't what to let go of Ruby's hand but she was hungry. She moved to the chair next to the bed. Taking the food Yang got for her and eating it.

"I have to say I kind of forgot who you were at first Weiss, when I first looked at you I asked my self who this beautiful woman was then you kissed me and it all came back to me. Your love made me remember." Ruby says to her.

"Ruby I love you so much. Please don't ever get hurt again." Weiss says softly then kissed her lips gently.

Ruby moved her right hand a little forgetting it's not there. Yang looked at her and smiled. "Now we both need a mechanical right arm." Yang says. Ruby nodded yes.

"Will I'm just happy you didn't die on me." Weiss says with a tear. Ruby takes Weiss hand into her left hand. Squeeze her a little.

"Me to." Ruby softly says back.

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