Second baby

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Ruby was making pancakes with Strawberries. Li comes running to the kitchen. "Auntie Pancakes please." Li asked, Ruby giggled at this.

"Ok Li. You can have pancakes too." Ruby says.

"Ruby your supposed to be in bed rest not make pancakes." Yang says.

"It's fine Yang. I will rest on the couch later." Ruby answers.

Ruby finished making breakfast. Blake and Weiss come to join them.

"How's the book going?" Yang asked.

Blake was writing a book using the 4 of them as characters. Some of the things she writes are things that happened to them.

"Oh I thought that I used the hole we fight monsters thing." Blake answers.

"Oh I like that idea the most,  you don't see enough girl heroes." Ruby says.

"Will that good because I was hoping as an engineer you could come up with some cool weapons for us." Blake asked.

"Oh yes something to do besides sitting around all day. I'm hugging you right now in my mind. Because if I actually get up right now I will get sick." Ruby says.

"Morning sickness already but you haven't eaten that much." Weiss asked then rubs her back.

"Wow this pregnancy is kicking your butt." Yang says.

"Yes, and I'm only Two weeks. I don't know how Weiss and Blake did it so easily." Ruby says.

"Well for one thing we did have a bad reaction to the medicine that Dr. Ozpen gave us." Weiss answers.

"Yeah who knew that you can be allergic to extra hormones. Anyway I feel better now. Thanks for rubbing my back." Ruby says to Weiss.

"Anytime sweetie." Weiss says. " Oh I have time to go over the fans messages do you want to do that next?" Weiss asked.

"Ok I will come sit on the couch. So we can be more comfy. Ruby gets up and goes to the couch. Weiss was going to sit down but Mai calls her.

"Mama down please." Mai asked. Weiss takes her out of the high chair. Li jumped down for her booster seat. They go play together.

Weiss and Ruby cuddle up and read the message from the fans. They even answered some of them and thanked them for their message. Yang cleaned up the kitchen from breakfast. Blake was on her lap top.

Weiss and Ruby are still cuddling up watching the kids play. A half hour later Weiss gets up after kissing Ruby. "I just got this good idea for a song so I'm going to the music room." Weiss tells Ruby.

"Ok my love." Ruby answer, as she watched the kids play she was thinking about weapons for Blake story. She used her phone to draw out the weapons then send it to Blake. Blake thanked her made a couple note and sent it back to Ruby. And hours later Ruby had all the weapons Blake had asked for drawing out. Ruby gets up to go make lunch because she feels like eating. Ruby made sweet and sour chicken with rice. She added pineapples to it. She called to her family to come eat. She texted her wife because she didn't want to take the chance she will get sick. Weiss comes out to eat with them.

"Sweetie thank you for lunch, I can make dinner tonight if you're not feeling good. Did you have something out ?" Weiss asked

"Well there's salmon or roast beef. I took both out last night because I couldn't make up my mind on what I like to make." Ruby answers

"Oh and have you decided on want one to make?" Weiss asked.

"No still can't decide. Why not ask the girls?" Ruby answers

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