Court date

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It's the big court date. Weiss, Ruby and Pyrrha are setting up front waiting for the judge to show up. Pyrrha was talking to Weiss when her father comes in the with his lawyer. They sits down next to the desk. "The court will now be in session please rise for the judge. The judge comes in and sit down. Ruby notices right away that he was a Faunus she looked over at Weiss's father face. He didn't look happy about this. He whispers softly to his lawyer.

The lawyer looked shocked then looked at the judge.

"Is their a problem?" The judge asked.

"Oh my client just think you will not be a fare judge in this case." The lawyer says. Everyone looked over at Mr Schnee.

The judge looked down at the file, after reading it. "I don't see the problem with me juggling this case. Why do you?"

"Sorry your honour its because your a Faunus and my client is will know for not likening the Faunus people." The lawyer says. Everyone looked shocked. Even the judge.

"Oh I see, well I'm not going to waste my time on something like that. If you what a new judge then you better file the right paperwork with my Bayless." The judge says.

The lawyer looked over at his client. After talking with him he goes over to file the paperwork with the Bayless. It's take 20 minutes. The young ladies waited for the lawyer to finish. The judge looked at them and smiled. He reads the file that the lawyer gave him. "Sorry but you are denied a new judge this is not filed out properly and I'm not wasting any more time on this." The judge says. Putting the file back.

Mr Schnee looked mad. He yells at his lawyer. The lawyer looked at him. "I'm sorry but I quit." The lawyer says walking away. Everyone looked over at Mr Schnee. He looked mad.

"Mr Schnee. I can have a court appointed lawyer for you if you wish?" The judge asked.

"That's fine I did go to law school I can just do it my self." Mr Schnee says.

"Ok young lady are you ok with this?" The judge asked Pyrrha.

"Yes, sir." Pyrrha answers softly.

"Ok so what are you charging him with for the Record." The judge asked.

"Weiss Schnee is charging him with wrongful dismissal at her job. Ruby Rose is charging him with assault and we recently found out Mr. Schnee hired some men to assault her so we are adding that to. I have the paperwork right here." Pyrrha says handing her paperwork to the judge. He looked it over.

"Looks to be all in Oder. How do you peeled?" The judge asked.

"Not guilty." Mr Schnee says.

"Well do you have anything for the court as Proof. Let's start with the assault charges."

"Yes, sir their is a video for both assaults and Sworn testimonies from the men who Mr. Schnee haired for the other one.

Pyrrha hand the judge a tablet with the video. The judge watch the video. He looked over at Mr Schnee. "Do you have anything to say about this?"

"The little dyke got in the way. So it not an assault." Mr Schnee says.

"You are not to use that word in my court room. Do it again and I will charge you with a fee." The judge says.

Mr Schnee just laugh out loud. The judge looked at him. Mr Schnee looked over at Ruby.

"The little dyke got what she deserved." He said.

"That's $2000." The judge says. "Let me see the testimonies." The judge asked. Pyrrha gives him the testimony from each man. "Anything you like to add mr Schnee."

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