Mai's coming home.

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Weiss had to stay in the hospital for a couple of days because Mai was to small at first. But everything is going good with her now so the Dr said they can go home tonight. Weiss thanks him. Ruby was taking care of the paperwork and paying the bill. She comes back to the room just as Dr. Ozpen is leaving so she thanked him.

Now they can pack up Mai and go home. Ruby quickly texted the other to tell them they are on their way home. Ruby had a surprise for Weiss at home. She drives home safe.

Ruby pulls up to the house and Weiss sees all their friends car's out side. Weiss looked over at Ruby. "What's going on sweetie?" Weiss asked.

"Oh I asked our friend to come over with their kids. I know Mai is to young to play with the other but I thought it be nice to see our friends and their kids. It has been a while since we did anything together." Ruby explains

"Oh I see, you're right it has been a while. I haven't seen Pyrrha and Jaune since their wedding. Same goes for Ren and Nora and that was 4 months ago. We should have our friends over more. Thank you for thinking of it. We should go inside now our friends are waiting." Weiss says then kissed her lips gently.

"Oh you go ahead I will get Mai." Ruby says.

"Ok thanks sweetie." Weiss answers back. Weiss goes in side the home and everyone yells surprise softly. Weiss looked at her friends and smiled. "Thank you guys for coming." Weiss says softly. Ruby was just coming in the door with Mai in the car set. Everyone takes a turn to see her smiling face. Pyrrha had their one month old baby in her arms. Ren was holding his's and Nora's baby girl in his arms. She was 3 weeks old now. Both the couple got married not that long ago. So them having kids already was a little surprise. But they didn't have to go to a DNA dr to get pregnant in the first place. Li was the oldest out of all the kids. But she liked having all the baby's around for the day.

Weiss gets Mai out of the car set and tickled her. She was giggling. They all sit down and talked while holding their baby's. Ruby was getting the drinks for everyone. Coming back with a tray full. She hands them out. They thanked her. Yang and Li are setting on the floor playing with some toys, Blake and Ren or having a good talk. Nora move to the floor with their baby girl joining Yang and Li. They started talking about Yang's big fight coming up. Ruby sits down next to Weiss and Mai. Then takes Mai from Weiss so she can go pee.

Everyone stayed just a couple of hours. Ruby thanks them for coming and that they should do it again. They all agreed to have a get together next month. Soon it becomes a regular thing for the friends to meet up. Sometimes it was at the park. One day when they were out at the park Ruby finds a white kitten. It looked really hungry so Ruby picked it up and takes it home. Weiss fall in love with it and so did Blake. So they ended up keeping her. Ruby named her snow. Snow really liked Mai so they are cuddle with each other. Couple months later Ruby was asked to go to Heaven for work. The first thing she did was ask Weiss if she like to go with her. Weiss check in with Robin, who said that a great idea she can do a promotion of her new CD while she there. Weiss had to ask Winter if she can come as her security guard. Winter said that she can't get away right now because of Wyatt. Ruby said that she can take care of Weiss security for the trip. Weiss asked about Mia. So Ruby asked Blake and Yang to come with them. They agreed to go. So they all packed up for 4 days. They get to Haven and Blake and Yang are speechless at now Beautiful it is. Ruby showed them around. They checked in to the same hotel as last time. Ruby had booked two room that Connect to each other. They drop off the bags. Check on the little ones. Then they go to have dinner at Weiss's favourite stop. Yang was helping Ruby keep an eye out for anyone who comes to close. They make it to dinner with out any trouble. The family odder their food. The food comes out and they started to eat. As they are eating some teenagers see Weiss and get excited. Yang was going to scare them away but Weiss said it was ok. So Weiss sighed somethings for the two girls. They thanked her and run away.

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