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Weiss was so busy practicing she didn't hear Ruby come in the room and call her name. She finished her song and takes a big breath in. "Weiss that was beautiful." Ruby says standing at the door. Weiss looked shocked.

"How long have you been standing there?" Weiss asked.

"Oh not to long I tried calling your name but you didn't hear me I guess. Anyway Winter and Qrow are here now so if you like to come out that be great." Ruby says waving at her to come. Weiss gets up from the piano and walked to the door where Ruby was standing.

She looked at Ruby smiling face. "You and me need to have a little talk about something first." Weiss pulls Ruby in to the room and close the door. "Ruby Rose why did you not tell me you were missing work to take care of the house?" Weiss asked a little bit upset.

"Oh I only missed Two days so I didn't think it was a big deal it not is it?" Ruby answers.

"It kind of is because you never want to miss work, you even worked when you got hurt badly." Weiss says.

"This time was different it was for us and our family. I did have the vacation time available, so I not losing any money for missing work if that's why you are worried." Ruby says softly.

"Oh really, I wasn't to worried about the money. I just thought it was not like you to miss work. You could of told me about it, I thought maybe you were over doing it and need to take the time off because of that." Weiss says
She had the sound of worry in her voice. Ruby kissed her lips gently and deeply.

"I just took the time off to get things done a little faster that's all. I promise I didn't over do it. Can we go and see our guest now? Before they come looking for us." Ruby asked. Weiss nodded yes, they leave the music room and go say hi to Winter and Qrow.

"Is everything ok kiddo?" Qrow asked. Weiss smiled at her when she looked at her.

"Oh yes, Uncle Qrow. Everything is good." Ruby says smiling at him.

"They probably took their time making out in the sound Proof room." Yang says. Weiss looked over at her.

"We are not animals. We don't make out with each other all the time." Weiss says loudly.

"If you say so." Yang answers back. Weiss looked mad.

"It's was just a talk. Weiss was upset with me because I miss work. And didn't tell her about it." Ruby says.

"What you miss work? When?" Qrow asked.

"Two days before the wedding. I was working on the house. To get it done in time." Ruby answers.

"Oh that's not two bad it's only two days." Qrow answers.

"Anyway I will start making dinner for us." Ruby says kissing Weiss cheek before going to the kitchen.

"Oh we have gifts for you, I will be right back." Weiss says blushing. Weiss goes upstairs to their room and gets the gifts for Winter and Qrow. Back at the living room and handing the gifts over. Winter and Qrow opened the gifts.
Winter got some blue sapphires earrings. She loved them and puts them on right away. Qrow got a flask with an engraving on it. He smiled softly at Winter.

"Sorry Kiddo I stopped drinking." Qrow says.

"Oh that's ok you can still use it for coffee or hot chocolate on your stakeouts it's for both hot and cold drinks." Ruby says loudly. Qrow smiled and put it in his jacket pocket. They all visits with each other as Ruby cook dinner.

"So big sister are you too going to have kids off your own?" Weiss asked Winter looked at Qrow for the answers.

"We haven't talked about it yet but we can if Winter wants to." Qrow says.

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