Our date

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Weiss kissed Mai on the forehead goodbye handing her to Ruby who did the same thing then Ruby hands her to Yang. With the baby bag, "You should have enough milk for her for the day and night. We will see you in the morning unless you need us. But I trust you, will mostly Blake with her." Weiss says. Yang gives her a look. She just smiled at her.

"Ok my love let's go shopping." Ruby says and takes Weiss's hand in to hers. Weiss waved goodbye. Her and Ruby are at the store in no time. Weiss tried on some new dress modelling them for Ruby. Ruby was happy that Weiss was having fun. They ended up getting 4 new dress for Weiss. They go down the street to a different store. Weiss was looking at some new underwear and Bra's. She gets herself some nice ones. She had to go up a size in the cup. Right now she is the same size as Ruby. So she was waring Ruby's bra. Ruby didn't say anything about it because she loves Weiss's new breast. They finished buying Weiss new things. They walked around for a little while. Once in a while Weiss would get stopped by a fun. Ruby always stays close to her when that happens.

"Sweetie how about we stop at the bakery for some cookies?" Weiss asked.

Ruby looked at the time. "I'm sorry my love but we can't, I have a surprise for you and we need to be there in 20 minutes." Ruby answers. Weiss looked at her with shock. But she followed her wife to the middle of a garden, it had a water Fountain in the middle. Couple minutes later the hole Area lights up with what looks like snowflakes. Weiss was speechless. Then Music started to play and not just any music but Weiss herself singing the love song she wrote to Ruby. Ruby asked her to dance with her. So Weiss did,  people are now watching them some even have their phones out filming them. Ruby pulled Weiss close to her and whispered in her ear. "Happy anniversary my loving wife."

Weiss was shocked and a little upset that she forgot. But kissed Ruby right after the song was done. People clapped at them. The lights turned off. Weiss was once again being asked for her autograph. Ruby smiled softly at her. Weiss didn't what to let go of Ruby's hand. So she didn't. Ruby used her free hand to hold whatever Weiss was going to sign. Once Weiss was done they picked up the shopping bags and go back to the bakery to get some cookies.

"Ruby Rose I don't know now you did all that and I think it's was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Also very romantic so thank you." Weiss says then kissed her lips gently. They make it back to the hotel room to drop off the shopping bags. Weiss pulls Ruby to the bed undressing her. Ruby started to undress Weiss. They make love to each other a couple of times. Ruby phone goes off.

"Oh we have a reservation at your favourite place there in Haven. So we should go." Ruby tells Weiss. They get dressed Weiss put on one of her new dress and underwear/ bra. They are holding hands and going down the street to Weiss favourite place. Their was some people out side with cameras taking Their pictures as soon as they showed up. Someone asked Weiss who she was with. Weiss tells them her wife. More cameras go of. They make it in to the restaurant and get a table for two.

"How did they know that we where coming here?" Weiss says looking at the people outside.

"Will I did make the reservation under whiterose. So someone from here must of said something. Sorry My love." Ruby says. Weiss leaned over and kissed her lips gently.

"Oh it's ok, but next time uses your name please." Weiss says softly. They looked at the menu then odder their food. As they are eating Yang texted Ruby. Ruby was worried something was wrong with Mai. But Yang was telling her that they are on the news and social media page. Someone shared their dance together in the garden. And their dinner date. Ruby showed Weiss the video of them dancing together. Weiss was blushing.

Yang also asked Ruby if she needed backup to protect Weiss. Ruby was happy her sister was worried about Weiss safety. "So Yang asked if we needed backup?" Ruby asked.

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