Summer's love

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Ruby was hugging Yang. They pulled away from each other and smiled.

"Talking about mom we should have something in the mail From her." Ruby says going to look. Weiss was confused.

"What do you mean Sweetie, she can't send you anything if she is passed away." Weiss says. Not trying to be rude about it.

"Oh but she does. You will see." Ruby answers back. She picked up an big envelope. Weiss looked at it. It had messy hand writing on it.

"Here we go." Ruby opened it up. There was two smaller letters in side. Ruby pick them up. Hands one to Yang. Yang smiled and started to read hers. Ruby smiled softly at Weiss setting next to her with a letter in her hand. Yang laughed and cried from her letter. When she was done she let Blake read it to. Weiss watch Ruby read hers. Ruby hands it to her afterwards.

To my Dear Rose petal.
It's must be Christmas time if you are reading this. For me it's Monday morning. I'm writing you and Yang something new. I hope that you getting theses letters helps you move on in life and not holds you back. My wish for you is for you to be loved and happy. I hope by now you have found someone special to shear your life with. Personally I think it will be a lovely young lady and that's great. If I'm wrong then I'm sorry about that. Anyway you are one of the best things to happen to me. I just wish to share that with you on the holidays or every day actually. But unfortunately, I don't have the time for everyday letters. So holiday it is. So marry Christmas my love. Here's one more gift for you. All my love! Your mom Summer Rose.

Weiss was crying her eyes out after this. She hugged Ruby.

"So you get letters from her every year on Christmas and your birthday?" Weiss asked.

"Yes I think she made them when she got sick. She gets Uncle Qrow to send them to us. See that's his hand writing here."Ruby tells her.

"Is he a police officer bye chance?" Weiss asked. Thinking that name can't be very common. Ruby looked shocked at this question.

"He is a detective. Why do you ask." Ruby asked.

"My older sister is Dating a guy named Qrow that can't be a common name. She told me he was a police officer." Weiss answers

"Really uncle Qrow has a girlfriend now and it a Schnee." Yang says.

"Oh no what if they get married! we will be related, and can't get married to." Ruby panicked. The other girls laughed at her.

"You big dolt it not related by blood so we can still get married. It will be a little weird if they have kids though, I'm not sure how that will work out." Weiss says.

"Oh talk about kids, I what kids how about you princess?" Ruby asked. Weiss looked at Ruby. "Oh sorry I mean Snowflake." Ruby says softly. Yang was laughing at them.

"Princess is way more like it." Yang says. Weiss looked over at the blonde haired lady.

"No you are not calling me that." Weiss says in a mad voice.

Yang laughed more. "Well I used to call you ice queen but Ruby got mad at me for that so I stopped. But princess is a good nickname for you. Why do you not like it?" Yang asked.

"Because of my father." Weiss says in a mad voice. Yang looked surprised and so did everybody else. Weiss clams down. "You all know the saying daddy's little princess. Well I got that all the time. But for me it meant I had to be perfect all the time. At a 100% no matter what. That's a lot of pressure for a little girl." Weiss answers back looking upset. "When you call me that it makes me think of my Father and his demands to be perfect all the time. I love you guys so that why I'm telling you this. Princess is the Worst nickname ever for me. I'll take ice queen any day over that." Weiss says.

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