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Ruby was at work when she got a call from Winter.

"Hello Ruby how are you doing?" Winter asked.

"Oh I'm doing fine how about you?" Ruby asked.

"I'm doing great you're Uncle and I got engaged yesterday. But that's not why I'm calling you. I was hoping to surprise Weiss with a visit this weekend do you have any plans?" Winter asked.

"Oh nothing big so we can do it on a different day, I know now much Weiss miss's you so you coming to see her is more important." Ruby answers.

"Ok thanks Ruby. I looking forward to seeing you again soon." Winter says.

"Me to, is Uncle Qrow coming with you?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, but I will see you in the morning on Saturday, he has a meeting for work at noon so he will be coming later." Winter tells her.

"Ok I'll have Weiss up at 8am and breakfast made for you. See you soon." Ruby says ending the call. Ruby goes back to work. She had a great day, she got a lot done. It was time to go home. Just as she was getting in her jeep she gets a call from Weiss.

"Hello sweetheart can you come get me from Coco's store? Yang just texted that she can't make it." Weiss asked.

"Oh is there a kiss in it for me?" Ruby asked as she started the jeep. Weiss giggles at her.

"Oh I can do that if you like." Weiss answers.

"Ok I'm on my way, so how was work today?" Ruby asked.

"Oh I helped this customer today that works at a music Studio, she said that I should come in and sing for them. I guess she was at last year's charity concert and saw me sing. She tried to get ahold of me before but my father got in her way. She was happy to see me again, she gave me her card. What do you think? should I try it out?" Weiss asked.

"Oh that's a big yes! I love your voice and more people should get to hear it." Ruby answers.

"Ok I will call her up then." Weiss answers

"Good, I think they will give you a Record deal as soon as they hear your voice." Ruby says.

"I don't think you should be the right judge of that." Weiss answers back.

"What why not?" Ruby asked.

"Because you sleep with me." Weiss says giggling.

"Oh it is one of the reasons I fall in love with you but I don't think I'm the only person to love your singing. Your singing at the charity concert should be Proof of that. All those people enjoy your singing that they stood up at end." Ruby says.

"That is true." Weiss says. "Anyway I just don't want to get my hopes up for nothing."

"I think that lady giving you her card says a lot. It's got to be something to look in to at lest." Ruby answers.

"Fine I will call her when you get here. I need my biggest fan holding my hand." Weiss says.

Ruby giggled softly at this. "I will be there soon just at the lights down the street." Ruby answers. The lights changed to green and Ruby started to go. Getting to the store in a minute. Weiss jumped in a gave her a big kiss. Ruby smiled at her. "Hello my love." Ruby says softly.

"Hi sweetheart, should we call now or when we get home?" Weiss asked. Ruby takes Weiss hand in her.

"Now." Ruby says parking the jeep. Weiss looked up the number then called it.

"Hello Robin Hill there how can I help you?" The lady says. Ruby looked over at Weiss.

Weiss smiles. "Hello Robin it Weiss. I'm calling you about coming in to sing for you." Weiss says.

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