Yang's big decision

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It's been a couple of days and Ruby is still upset with Yang. So they are not talking to each other. Ruby was working on ideas for the new family home for Weiss and her. She was all excited about it. But she only talked to Blake about it because she wanted to be a surprise for Weiss.
When Yang was around she ignored her for the most part. Yang was being just as pigheaded.

It's the weekend soon and Weiss was hoping they could do a family trip to the fair. Weiss looked at everyone in the room. They are all doing their own thing. Weiss didn't like the way it feels in the house right now. She goes over to Ruby first, she sits down on Ruby's lap to get her attention. Ruby looked at her face and lights up. Ruby puts her arms around her happily. Weiss touched her cheek and played with her hair. "Now that I have your attention can we talk about a family trip to the fair this weekend?" Weiss asked looking in her eyes.

"Oh that's a great idea." Ruby says excitedly.

"But you don't see the problem with this." Weiss asked.

"No, why?" Ruby says. Weiss looked over at Yang who was giving her a dirty look. Weiss just smiled at her.

"Because you and Yang are not talking to each other right now." Weiss answers looking back at Ruby's face.

Ruby looked at Yang. Seeing her glaring at them. Ruby looked at Weiss again. "I'm not apologizing to her. Not this time, All I want is to be happy and to love you." Ruby says.

Weiss looked over at Yang. Yang looked away from them and looked at Blake. Blake gave her a look off encouragement. Yang looked back at Them. "Ruby I'm sorry! I'm sorry for only thinking about my feeling and not yours. Can you please forgive me?" Yang asked.

"Yes, if you say sorry to Weiss to." Ruby says. Weiss looked at her face. Ruby was being serious. Weiss looked at Yang.

"Weiss I'm sorry." Yang says.

Ruby looked at Yang. "Do you even know why you are apologizing to her?" Ruby asked.

Yang looked over at Blake. Who points to her lips. Yang nodded yes.

"Then why?" Ruby asked.

Yang takes a big breath in. "For stopping you from kissing her." Yang answers.

Ruby looked at Blake. Then back at Weiss. "What do you think snowflake is it all for given?" Ruby asked. Weiss smiled softly at Ruby looked at Yang and said yes. Yang looked happy so did Ruby. They all got up and hugged each other. Weiss goes to the kitchen to make dinner. Cooking by herself for the first time.

Ruby was whispering to Yang about her idea for the house. Yang just smiled at her. Weiss call's everyone to the table. The other girls go set down.

Ruby smiled at Weiss. "It looked really good snowflake." Ruby says then kissed her lips gently. Weiss kissed her back.

"Thank you. But you better try it first." Weiss says.

Ruby takes a bite of food. The other watch her eat. She finished it in no time then asked for more. Weiss smiles at her. Giving her more. The other girls eat happily. "Wow Weiss this is really good." Blake and Yang say.

Weiss smiled at this. Finish up her food. She has some more to. They all help clean up. Then go in to the living room area. They all ended up playing a board game together. Laughing at the jokes Yang told them. Everyone was happy. Ruby and Weiss kissed in front of Yang and Yang didn't say anything. But she did make a face. Blake smiled at her. Then leaned over to kiss her lips. "You made a good decision I'm proud of you."Blake says softly.
Yang wins the first game. They played again this time Blake winning the game. It was getting late. So the young ladies all go to bed.

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