Ruby's back

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Ruby just went up stairs with Bella. She was singing to the baby as she takes her to her room. Putting Bella in the crib. "Have a good sleep my princess." Ruby says softly. Weiss had followed her watching her the hole time. Then Ruby turned to leave the room Weiss was waiting for her at the door way.

"Oh my loving wife, I think we should go to bed now." Ruby says. Walking to her and taking her to their bed room. Ruby had them both undress and in bed. She was kissing Weiss's body all over. Weiss melted in her arms. Ruby made love to her. Then holds her close. "I love you Weiss." Ruby says softly

Weiss kissed Ruby deeply. They fall asleep naked in each other arms. Weiss wake's up in the morning in Ruby's arms she missed this feeling so she just stayed there. Bella cryed waking Ruby up, she kissed Weiss cheek gently and goes to the baby's room. Ruby tried to breast feed Bella. But it didn't work she had no milk. Ruby was upset with her self. Weiss comes in the room and see's Ruby is upset.

"Oh sweetie I'm sorry but with you in the hospital I had to put Bella on formula but Dr Ozpen said it is a good one. I'm really sorry." Weiss says as she comes to hug her.

Ruby is now crying. Weiss tried to calm her down. It takes a while. "It's ok Weiss I understand why you did it I just wish I didn't miss out on this. You and Mai got to Bond with each other I just wanted the same thing with Bella." Ruby says crying.

"Oh sweetie I wish you didn't have to miss out on it to. But you can still feed her I know it not the same but she will still bond with you." Weiss says softly.

"Ok can you show me now to make the formula for her please." Ruby asked

"Ok let's get Mai and go to the kitchen." Weiss answers. They go to Mai's room she was up and playing with some toys but when she sees her Mom's she goes to them and hugged them. They make their way down stairs.

"Mommy pancake?" Mai asked Ruby. Ruby smiled at her.

"Of course I will make you pancakes." Ruby answers. Ruby gives Bella to Weiss then makes Mai pancakes and Strawberries. Well she made enough for everyone. Weiss showed her how to make the formula for Bella. Giving her back the baby. Ruby feeds Bella happily. They all have a great day together.

Eventually Ruby go's back to work even though Weiss said she didn't have to because she was making a lot of money now. Ruby reminded her that it's 50/50. Weiss said helping with the kids and around the home was part of the 50/50. So Ruby worked for home when Bella and Mai are sleeping. This made Weiss very happy. On the weekend all their friends and kids come over for a bbq and a play date. They are all out back. Weiss had gotten a welcome home cake for everyone to share. Ruby and Yang make a big picnic table for the back yard. Everyone was eating hotdogs and hamburgers. There was different salads to pick from. Also fruit and chips. Ruby was happy that she can eat again with out getting sick.

"OK EVERYONE THANK YOU FOR COMING!" Ruby yells out they all stopped and looked at her.

"Now that I have your attention please eat as much as you like I know I will." Ruby yells then giggles. "Anyway Weiss also has cake for you all this is our thank you for being great friends." Ruby yells out.

"Oh and welcome home Ruby." Weiss says smiling. Everyone says it back.


"Thank you everyone. You are the best friends I could ever asked for." Ruby says they all have a great time. Things are back to normal for the most part. Their friends ended up staying for dinner as well. An hour later they all say goodbye to everyone. They put the kids to bed for the night. The 4 ladies watch a movie together then go to bed. A couple months later Weiss and Ruby are out Shopping for Christmas gifts. Ruby got Blake to watch the kids so they can get them gifts in secret. She was going to do the same for them tomorrow.

"Weiss my love do you know this is the place I told you I love you?" Ruby asked

Weiss looked around for a minute. "Oh really, that's why I love it here." Weiss answers

"That's not a yes." Ruby says giggling. She takes Weiss in her arms and kissed her lips gently. They kissed for a while. Then go back to shopping. Getting everyone's Gifts.

"Sweetie you didn't tell me want you wanted for Christmas this year." Weiss asked Ruby who hugged and kissed her lips gently.

"You gave me my gift years ago and every day since then. A loving wife and two beautiful girls. The only thing missing from the family of my dream is a dog. The rest I have already." Ruby answers

"Ruby Rose I love you too very much. But we can't get a dog with out talking to Blake first." Weiss says back.

"Oh so that not a no yet?" Ruby asked

"I guess not. But you are the one who has to convince Blake." Weiss answers. Ruby got all excited she Texted Yang.

-Can you help me convince your wife to get a puppy for Christmas?- Ruby

-Oh I can try but it might be hard.- Yang

-ok we have time before Christmas.- Ruby

"Will Yang is going to help me convince Blake." Ruby tells Weiss.

"Good luck with that." Weiss says smiling. Ruby and Mai used puppy dog eyes on Blake the next day. Blake gave in when Li was asked to.

"Ok only if it's a small puppy/dog." Blake says softly. Everyone was happy they are looking up small dogs.

"Oh how about this one it small and it says it good with cats." Ruby showed Blake. It was a black and white corgi. Blake nodded yes so Ruby gets a hold of the person selling the puppy. Later her and the older girls go and pick one out. Ruby name him Zwei. The family had a new member to love. Weiss falls in love with him right away but Blake took a while. All 10 of them live happy life's together.

( Hope you liked my story. )

The End.

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