Winter's big day

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Winter picked Weiss up from work and now they are on their way to bridal shop. Weiss talked Winter in to going to look at the dress their. Saying they also had simple ones their to. Weiss had looked into the place before Coco said she would make her dress. The sister walked in to the store. "Winter do you want to get something white or something with a little colour in it?" Weiss asked.

"Oh maybe something with a little blue in it. Qrow says I look good in blue." Winter answers. Weiss nodded at her. Weiss looked around for a minute then see a white dress with some light blue lace on it side. The dress it self was not to fancy so Weiss thinks it was something Winter might like. She takes it over to her sister who was looking at this other White dress with blue ribbon on the back of it. "Winter how about trying this one?" Weiss asked. Winter looks at it with a big smile on her face. How with two dress to try on. Winter and Weiss go to the change room. She first tried on the one she had picked out. Showing Weiss how it looked. Weiss took a picture of her in it. Then asked her to try the one she picked out. So Winter goes back to change again. Coming out in the other dress. Weiss think's it looked way better on her then the first one but she takes a picture of Winter. Weiss sends Ruby the picture to get her opinion because the sister couldn't decide. Ruby texted her back saying she think the second one is the best one. Winter liked both. But she only needs one. Weiss tells her Ruby said she likes the one she has on right now. So Winter decided to get it. Weiss was happy her sister got the one she picked out. They go to the cashier and Weiss pays for the dress before Winter can get her money out.

"Weiss you didn't have to do that I have the money." Winter says softly.

"Oh but Ruby and I really like this dress so it's our wedding gift to you." Weiss answers back with a smile. Winter hugged her and they go for a coffee before going to Weiss house. When they are driving Winter had the car radio on, Weiss's song got played again. Winter gets all excited about it. Weiss was blushing. The guy on the radio says that if you like that song you can now buy the CD just look for White Rose. So Winter and Weiss go to the closet store that sells music. They looked around for the CD but didn't find it. Winter decided to ask one of the workers.

"Sorry to bug you but do you have any White Rose cds?" Winter asked nicely.

"Oh sorry we sold out already but we are going to get more in it takes two days. If you like me to put one on hold for you, you just have to fill out this form." She walked over to the cashier and gets a the form. She hands it to Winter.

"Oh what if I wanted more then one CD?" Winter asked the young lady.

"Oh sorry because it's so popular right now we can only do one CD for each customer. That way everyone who comes in gets a least one." The young lady tells her.

"Can you tell me how many you sold already?" Winter asked

"Oh each store got 50 copies of the CD. And before you asked yes our other store are sold out to. Like I said it's very popular right now." The young lady answered. Winter looked at Weiss who looked shocked.

"Thank you for your help I will see you in two days." Winter says to the young lady.

Winter had to snap Weiss out of it so they can leave. When they get to the car Weiss calls Rodin Hill.

"Hello Weiss I take it you heard the good news about your CD being out today? " Robin asked.

"Oh yes we just went to the store to get one but they are sold out already." Weiss tells her.

"Oh that's great news. But sorry you didn't get one. Oh I know how about you come by here to pick one up I have some to hand out to the radio station." Robin says.

"Oh is there anyway you can give me two I'm sorry to ask but I like one for my sister she's getting married in two days and I think she loves to have one. The store said they are not getting any of at least two days." Weiss asked nicely.

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